Big Don
Sr. Grandmaster
Judge: 2 adoptive dads can be named on birth certificate
Associated Press/Houston Chronicle
Dec. 27, 2008, 6:35PM
NEW ORLEANS — A same-sex couple in California has won a federal court ruling that their adopted son's Louisiana birth certificate must bear the names of both adoptive fathers.
The facts are so clear that no trial is needed, U.S. District Judge Jay Zainey wrote.
"What a great Christmas present for these guys!" said Kenneth D. Upton Jr. who represented Oren Adar and Mickey Ray Smith of San Diego.
In his ruling Monday, Zainey said Louisiana's Office of Vital Records must give full faith and credit to the New York State court in which Adar and Smith adopted the boy, he ruled Monday. The office had refused to issue a birth certificate listing both as the boy's legal parents.
Upton, reached at home Saturday evening, said he hopes to get a birth certificate in the coming week but doesn't know whether the Louisiana Attorney General's Office — which is in charge, although a state health department attorney argued the case — will decide to appeal.
The attorney general's office will look into the matter next week, said Tammi Arender Herring, spokeswoman for Attorney General James "Buddy" Caldwell.
I thought, silly me, that things like birth and death certificates were supposed to reflect, what is that word, oh, yeah, the FACTS.
The facts are that it takes one male and one female to cause a pregnancy and thus a child. This judge's ruling will make the fans of homosexuality happy, but, it ignores reality. Yeah, it does piss me off. Here is why:
There is no judge anywhere that would let me have my son's mother's name removed from his birth certificate, despite the fact that she said in open court that "I don't want any rights to him." and the fact that she has contributed no monies nor time in 11 years, and he is only 12...
There are areas where you can look to the gray areas and ignore black and white, this is not one of them.
Associated Press/Houston Chronicle
Dec. 27, 2008, 6:35PM
NEW ORLEANS — A same-sex couple in California has won a federal court ruling that their adopted son's Louisiana birth certificate must bear the names of both adoptive fathers.
The facts are so clear that no trial is needed, U.S. District Judge Jay Zainey wrote.
"What a great Christmas present for these guys!" said Kenneth D. Upton Jr. who represented Oren Adar and Mickey Ray Smith of San Diego.
In his ruling Monday, Zainey said Louisiana's Office of Vital Records must give full faith and credit to the New York State court in which Adar and Smith adopted the boy, he ruled Monday. The office had refused to issue a birth certificate listing both as the boy's legal parents.
Upton, reached at home Saturday evening, said he hopes to get a birth certificate in the coming week but doesn't know whether the Louisiana Attorney General's Office — which is in charge, although a state health department attorney argued the case — will decide to appeal.
The attorney general's office will look into the matter next week, said Tammi Arender Herring, spokeswoman for Attorney General James "Buddy" Caldwell.
I thought, silly me, that things like birth and death certificates were supposed to reflect, what is that word, oh, yeah, the FACTS.
The facts are that it takes one male and one female to cause a pregnancy and thus a child. This judge's ruling will make the fans of homosexuality happy, but, it ignores reality. Yeah, it does piss me off. Here is why:
There is no judge anywhere that would let me have my son's mother's name removed from his birth certificate, despite the fact that she said in open court that "I don't want any rights to him." and the fact that she has contributed no monies nor time in 11 years, and he is only 12...
There are areas where you can look to the gray areas and ignore black and white, this is not one of them.