Joe "Lights Out" Simonet


2nd Black Belt
May 20, 2002
Reaction score
Shreveport, LA
Congratulations to Mr. Simonet who was recently elevated to kudan, 9th degree black belt, by GM Al Tracy.

If you have ever trained with or near Mr. Simonet, you know where "lights out" comes from.
Holy Cow! Congratulations to him!

Um...can I just trust y'all on how he got his nickname? ;) I'd rather not find out personally :D
Hey Gang!

I have been offline for a while but finally took the time to check in and snoop around.

It was exciting news for sifu Joseph's students to learn of his promotion. I have had the opportunity to spend at least a little time with some truly excellent teachers, professors, or instructors in a variety of personal pursuits - from snow skiing to academics to youth work. It is a tremendous honor to have the priviledge of training with a martial artist who has taken his life's work to heart the way sifu Joseph has. Martial arts is not just something he does. He certainly has a broad range of experiences in other disciplines in life, but the depth to which he takes his study of the arts is sincerely impressive.

He tends to be pretty humble about this sort of thing, but I will be sure to mention this thread to him. I appreciate KenpoDave bringing it up and can only add at this point -- the best is yet to come!
