iron palm



i used yto think that the power of this stroike would be minimal cause you can barely get anybody behind it. but it travels at such a speed that it produces a substantial impact anyway

the mechanics are actually similar to a thai round house.

i used to think that anyone could block itBUT all you have to do it move behind them as they come in and whaM!! a good strike knocks the wind of almost anyone when aimed just under the shoulder blade.

it could be used to strike the head of a bent over opponent coupled with a knee drop for more speed and weight however i eouldn't be surprised if this could kill someone

i was so sceptical about thie technique thinking it was one of those mystical strikes known only through legends but now i understand the mechanics i understand its a very powerful technique when aimed at hard targets like ribs and head but is very in effective against the stomach area.

sorry for the ramble but i just wanted to share my 'revelation' for any other skeptics out there

I'm not sure I undersatnd this post at all.
What strike are we talking about? A palm strike? I guess your talking about a palm strike when you say iron palm?

I agree he seems to be talking about a palm strike. Iron Palm training and striking consist of more than one technique, and a lot of hard training
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
I agree he seems to be talking about a palm strike. Iron Palm training and striking consist of more than one technique, and a lot of hard training


I think the described movement is one familiar to the Ku Yu Chong lineage of Iron palm.
Mirroring an attacker in a right rear position, attacker fires his right to defenders head. defender does waist twist to his left, while stepping slightly in and to his left. Defenders rear arm performs a circular 'raise, twist. drill' - a deflection that moves attackers arm to his left, raising it abit then turning into a grab on the way down. The attackers arm is pulled downward towards defender. The actual strike is delivered with the left palm to the now bent over attackers back - in the area just below the rhomboids - corresponding to the upper lung area - and the blow is downward in motion. It causes a spasm to the upper back and, due to the attackers position; usually causes him to fall foward with difficulty breathing for awhile. An experienced practitioners strike could rupture some of the small airsacs of the lung. Ba-Gua pratitioners are usually familiar to this move also.

I could be wrong though, it happens. It is just the move that came immediately to mind when I read the original post. Though I have never done this move in actual self-defense - I have found the strike useful...particularly against those that execute 'the shoot' poorly.

Just 2 cents worth of input.
sorry i didn't explain that well

their is a traing asystem builtto give you an iron palm

but i'm talking about the whipping circular strike often used to break bricks.

i was talking about the horozontal one

maybe its not called an iron palm but its the kind of strike seen in eight trigrams boxing

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