Interesting Forum

Well atleast they say it straight out and don't sugar coat it.
Actually, it is quite childish. Beyond that, it's not worth any comments.
I'm sorry..but I always wondered what a trolls-only forum would look like....:rofl:

I agree....its very childish... heh
And you have to be careful! You never know who's really collecting ip addresses? :eek:

It is truly amazing ... You guys are right... It's a troll hut! LOL!

I would never, ever post over there! ;)

Dan "I'm anonymous, but you can call me Reggie" Farmer :lol:
the question that springs to mind is...

'How can people with only one brain cell work a keyboard?'


(making a judgement, despite what it says below)
That forum has the following message on it.

*** Official warning ***

We have found this Bravenet account to be in violation
of our Terms of Service Agreement
and are hereby giving you 24 hours
to remove any inappropriate postings.

Gee, I wonder how that happened....:uhyeah:
And there's me about to spend 300 hours on a combined thesis and programming exercise, partly concerned with the decline of USENET through dis-respectful and anti-social behaviour....shame web based references carry little or no merit!

well, its nice that trolls have somewhere to congregate away from civilization...
Originally posted by nightingale8472

well, its nice that trolls have somewhere to congregate away from civilization...

Your exactly right. Let those guys have their idiot site and leave us alone over here. Although it would be kind of interesting to see some of the people who own the I.P. addresses on that site and see if they show up on here. :rolleyes:
Jason Farnsworth
Ruh Roh....

Y'all know what that might mean....

"All Hands to Battle Stations..... Prepare to repel boarders! Man the Cannons!...Double Canister!"

Originally posted by satans.barber

I notice it's been shut down now....


Yep, I just stumbled across this thread.
Glad I missed the show.
I use some Bravenet tools I think. I was originally sent to them by Mr. C. I would use more of their stuff except that I don't like how they place their ads much of the time. :shrug: