new program??



I just noticed in the recent BlackBelt magazine that there is a new video training program for American Kenpo ( I've heard the name Adrian Roman for some time, but don't know him personally so I cehcked it out.

What I found interesting about the program is that when you pay the $900+ up front, you get all the videos, a CD rom AND your blackbelt and certificate already signed. Hmmmm??

The one thing I just can't figure out, however, is the disclaimer at the bottom of the certification page:

Any ideas? It seems to contradict itself.
"Receipt of the American Kenpo Black Belt Certificate from GrandMaster Adrian Roman does not endorse or certify the recipient in any form or manner."

Why, it makes perfect sense. Possession of a Title of Ownership doesn't mean you actually OWN an Deed of Trust doesn't mean you actually OWN a pice of Receipt of Sale doesn't actually prove that you purchased, I give up.

Anybody care to explain this one??

Shoot, and all this time I've been trying to actually LEARN stuff before getting a black belt certificate. Silly me.

Well, dang, if you buy Ed Hutchison's Dragon Kenpo series, you get a 3rd black certificate. :shrug:

I would certainly pay more and even watch the tapes all the way thru at least twice if it would get me a 3rd black!

I read it as the following:

Come Learn mystuff and for attendance yu will get this certificate but it does not mean you are really and truly an instructor or certified. It also implies that you may not use his name since he does not endorse you. To me it is all about the money, as I read it.

Just my opinion, and I have been wrong before.

Originally posted by KenpoDave

Well, dang, if you buy Ed Hutchison's Dragon Kenpo series, you get a 3rd black certificate. :shrug:

I would certainly pay more and even watch the tapes all the way thru at least twice if it would get me a 3rd black!



Wow, thanks for the info...I think, though, that I'm going to hold out for one that teaches me through to grandmaster...that way I can just certify and endorse myself, since I would have learned my own style from someone else from white through 10th black. Did that make a sort of twisted non-logical sense? I thought not!

Originally posted by warriorsage

I just noticed in the recent BlackBelt magazine that there is a new video training program for American Kenpo ( I've heard the name Adrian Roman for some time, but don't know him personally so I cehcked it out.

What I found interesting about the program is that when you pay the $900+ up front, you get all the videos, a CD rom AND your blackbelt and certificate already signed. Hmmmm??

The one thing I just can't figure out, however, is the disclaimer at the bottom of the certification page:

Any ideas? It seems to contradict itself.

Mr. Whipple,

I can't believe this kind of crap. I guess a black belt truly has no meaning anymore. What a shame! I wonder when Colleges & Universities are going to start mailing out diplomas to people that pay, but don't attend class, and then have the balls to call it the honor system. (Problem is that there doesn't seem to be ANY honor in doing this kind of thing at all).

Oh well, I guess people will do anything to make a buck. Look at it this way guys... with all those "Honor System Black Belts" running around out there, We (the people that sweat and work hard at "Our" art) will only look better.


P.S. You have a good head on your shoulders brother. I love working out with you and Clyde when I get the chance to come up there. When is the next time we can get together?
Yeah, I feel pretty strongly about programs like this. I withheld my opinions to see what others felt first, but I think it's pretty obvious when a program comes right out and says here's your certificate, BUT...this doesn't certify you. Silly me. I thought that's exactly what a certificate did. Regardless of the quality of material, programs like this seriously damage the credibility of our art, especially when people read the ad and it says get your blackbelt in a year or less.

And the cost, man! Atleast the Dragon Kenpo package only cost $99.

Billy, I think we're on for this weekend but I'm waiting for Clyde to make it official. When I hear from him, I'll let you know, or if you talk to him first, let me know.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

Mr. Whipple,

I can't believe this kind of crap. I guess a black belt truly has no meaning anymore. What a shame! I wonder when Colleges & Universities are going to start mailing out diplomas to people that pay, but don't attend class, and then have the balls to call it the honor system. (Problem is that there doesn't seem to be ANY honor in doing this kind of thing at all).

I get daily junk e-mails from colleges offering me various "advanced degrees" in one thing or another. Heck, I think Clyde might even be an ordained minister if memory serves...:eek:

Originally posted by KenpoDave

I get daily junk e-mails from colleges offering me various "advanced degrees" in one thing or another. Heck, I think Clyde might even be an ordained minister if memory serves...:eek:



If I'm not mistaken those mail-outs are advertisements for an education... not a degree before the education (I could be wrong).

By the way... Wes Idol is an ordained minister! LOL! If Clyde is, I might have to do it too. Then we can get together and truly preach! LOL!

Billy "But, I wear black shoe laces?" Lear
This is just another example of "EL Torro Pu Pu".

Plain and simple.......... peeeee youuuuuuuuu
can't you even smell it........

(Now let's watch....... Will Ricardo or Billy be the 1st ones to get their's) hee hee

:p :rofl: :boing2: :lol:
We already spoke about Adrian Roman in the "Western Martial Arts" section a while back regarding this. Look under, "Native American martial arts" thread.

I myself am schocked. Another black belt by mail/video in the kenpo world??

No wonder the Koreans are afraid.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

This is just another example of "EL Torro Pu Pu".

Plain and simple.......... peeeee youuuuuuuuu
can't you even smell it........

(Now let's watch....... Will Ricardo or Billy be the 1st ones to get their's) hee hee

:p :rofl: :boing2: :lol:

I thought about it real hard, but I decided to study under Seig, that way, the beatings I get are legitimate.:eek:
This is not much of a shock. Many people are "tossing" out learn at home systems. But why worry about it, real adult students that really want to learn a martial art or self defense system will go to a valid instructor and pay. The idea is to go around and see about introductory programs and take some time to talk to some of the students and staff. The majority of martial arts students today are children and I'm sure that not even the "Black Belt at Home" series will keep thier intrest that Mom & Dad feel they got thier monies worth. Ever see a video teach a child self-discipline? If you have please l;et me know, that would really help!
Besides some of those vids are fun to buy on clearance somewhere and watch for a substitute for Comedy Central, when your cable goes on the blink. ;)
I am adamantly in favor of such mail-order belts. If I'm ever stupid enough to get into a real fight again, and I'm unlucky enough to end up with a martial artist, I want it to be with somebody who's both arrogant (I've got a black belt!) and incompetent (but I don't know jack!).

As longer-distance benefits, it helps cut down on the number of idiots in the studios. And, folks who might be out funding lunatic causes have less money to spend on them.

I'm absolutely in favor. Go get them videos, guys.
Just a word - DON'T.

My instructor asked that I take his link off my web page "links" page. He has never asked for anything like that. He has known Roman for years, since they are both from the same area, Dallas / Fort Worth. He and Roman have been around the Art for probably 30 years. But has he been IN or AT the Art?

I guess that it only takes a few people to pay for the advertisment - remember, you get what you pay for, let the buyer beware. As most of you know, I almost never chime in with the negative comments group, but this is different. I can see some neophyte pay almost a grand for something with a disclaimer on it. That amount of money could represent a substantial sum to some young student ... and I would not want to see anyone taken advantage of to this degree.

Bad Karma in my opinion, sometimes I wish for instant karma instead.
Originally posted by Michael Billings

Just a word - DON'T.

I guess that it only takes a few people to pay for the advertisment - remember, you get what you pay for, let the buyer beware. As most of you know, I almost never chime in with the negative comments group, but this is different. I can see some neophyte pay almost a grand for something with a disclaimer on it. That amount of money could represent a substantial sum to some young student ... and I would not want to see anyone taken advantage of to this degree.

Bad Karma in my opinion, sometimes I wish for instant karma instead.

I havent looked at it as taking advantage of someone...Im glad you put it that way, someone new in the art not knowing any better might think they are really getting something................

"It shall also be my responsibility to protect any student from ravenous individuals who would try to take advantage of personal weaknesses, to divest the gullible into unprofitable gains"

Brian Hunter
using videos is fine for review, or for a very advanced student, but you just plain can't learn good quality basics without an instructor standing there nitpicking.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

using videos is fine for review, or for a very advanced student, but you just plain can't learn good quality basics without an instructor standing there nitpicking.

AMEN to that!!!
Originally posted by brianhunter
"It shall also be my responsibility to protect any student from ravenous individuals who would try to take advantage of personal weaknesses, to divest the gullible into unprofitable gains"

How can you expect others to follow that when the people leading don't bother?