Bo Kata



Hello all,
Not sure if this is the forum to post this, but since I attend a kempo school...

I just learned a bo form called 'shushi no kon sho' . I believe the one I was taught might have been changed slightly from the original. I write this because I have seen it done other ways. Just as a curiousity, I would like to know how to do the original.

I am interested in learning other traditional bo forms as well. I know there is 'shushi no kon dai' etc. A resource you could point me to would be great. My instructor is very open to his students exploring this stuff on our own.

Thank you for your time.
Shushi No kun, Shushi no kun sho, and shushi no kun dai are all three Okinawan in origin. I learned shushi no kun while studying Isshinryu. It is one of the 7 required weapons kata for Isshinryu. Most Okinawan systems teach a variation of the shushi no kun kata, and while there are slight variations, most are very similar. Ryukyu Kempo teaches all three shushi no kun katas as part of their curriculum, as I understand it.
I was wondering if you have a write up for each of these Sushi no kun kata? I also know of a form called Seyoshi no kun. It looks similar with many of the same disarms. It is learned in the ikkf style of Okinawan Kenpo. for video's.
Another question. I am looking for a nunchaku kata called (I think Genketsu or kensetsu nunchaku) I have seen it performed in a goju karate school.

I don't know its origins and would like ot know more aobut it. Its key features or a one handed kneeling punch and a side kick from the gorund on your side plus a four direction trap with kick.

More information would be appreciated. If I get a good write up I will repost for all.