Improving boxing fundamentals.

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Orange Belt
Apr 24, 2018
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What are good ways to improve fundamentals in boxing? I got the power and I'm fluid in sparring, but I need to work on my technique.

Should I increase shadow boxing training at home, or try and buy something to punch to learn proper distancing? My apartment is too small for a heavy bag.

Also, do gloves matter? My 160Z Everlast gloves are way too big for my hands, and feel like oven mitts on the heavy bag.
What are good ways to improve fundamentals in boxing? I got the power and I'm fluid in sparring, but I need to work on my technique.

Should I increase shadow boxing training at home, or try and buy something to punch to learn proper distancing? My apartment is too small for a heavy bag.

Also, do gloves matter? My 160Z Everlast gloves are way too big for my hands, and feel like oven mitts on the heavy bag.
I do this thing I like to think of as freestyling forms, which is something I adapted from my WC training.

Basically, do your striking/boxing/positioning is an extremely slow motion "shadow box", freezing at random points, or points you believe feel 'off'.

At this point I concentrate on where my balance is, where my positioning is, where my angles and weight are. Whether momentum affects the position, or if it's strong stationary. What muscles are being engaged, are they the right ones? Am I working against myself or is everything working in sync?

I find this helps me to fine tune things I don't notice at all at speed.
He's the one who told me I'm poor and lagging behind the rest. :arghh:

There's a saying in martial arts, 'there's no bad students only bad instructors'. He needs to train you properly or you need to find a new coach.
Well then that's his fault for not teaching better

That doesn't help me though. I am joining a new club soon and want to avoid getting shot down when I go past beginners. I trained repetitions obessively to no avail. It's as if I revert back to my primal beginnings whenever techniques are integrated with footwork. Or my form just sucks and always did.
That doesn't help me though. I am joining a new club soon and want to avoid getting shot down when I go past beginners. I trained repetitions obessively to no avail. It's as if I revert back to my primal beginnings whenever techniques are integrated with footwork. Or my form just sucks and always did.

If you are going to a new club you will be more or less a beginner, the new instructors should assess where you are at then teach you accordingly. Explain to them what you think is the problem though I suspect it's not your problem but your coach either not explaining properly or just ignoring you.
If you are training something repeatedly after being shown properly then you will train it properly, if you haven't been shown properly or badly then you won't be practising properly. I doubt very much your form sucks, I have never know anyone not to improve when being properly taught, the progress may be slow but it is always there.
That doesn't help me though. I am joining a new club soon and want to avoid getting shot down when I go past beginners. I trained repetitions obessively to no avail. It's as if I revert back to my primal beginnings whenever techniques are integrated with footwork. Or my form just sucks and always did.
There's not much that can help you on one knows you no ones seen you box only your coach can make you better talk to him to see what you need to work what's your paying him for
That doesn't help me though. I am joining a new club soon and want to avoid getting shot down when I go past beginners. I trained repetitions obessively to no avail. It's as if I revert back to my primal beginnings whenever techniques are integrated with footwork. Or my form just sucks and always did.
How long have you been doing it?
Another option for you is to post a video of you training technique, and how long you've been at it and we can give you feedback on that. Not the best option, but may help with some of the bad technique before you start your new club.
Welcome to MartialTalk, UserC. :)

How many weeks have you boxing, bro?
I whooped his intermediate guys in sparring. Nice operating a gym where a kickboxer bullies boxing guys who can only box in theory.
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I whooped his intermediate guys in sparring. Nice operating a gym where a kickboxer bullies boxing guys who can only punch in theory.

Then it's not you that needs 'improving'. :) Is there any particular reason you went for boxing after kickboxing?
'. :) Is there any particular reason you went for boxing after kickboxing?

Because I wanted to try out my fists against specialists. Even though my sparring experience is greater, I was still surprised how virginal they were. Especially concidering how dynamic they were on the pads when we took turns holding.

Fast forward 10 minutes... Pants down.
I whooped his intermediate guys in sparring. Nice operating a gym where a kickboxer bullies boxing guys who can only box in theory.
You shouldnt be 'bullying" anyone thats not what sparring is about
That was a figurative speech for dominating.
You shouldn't be doing that either. Sparring is not a competition.

Also, with 4 years kickboxing experience, it would make sense that you are better at sparring than the 'intermediate' guys, especially if that starts at 4 months.
That was a figurative speech for dominating.
This thread is all over the place according to you you're dominating everyone but you've got bad technique....this is just a guess but according to your original post you say you use good power in sparring...sound to me like you're going in hard using power during sparring but not using technique
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