I'm switching over!


Brown Belt
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
I recently saw a movie which highlighted a certain new MA. This new MA shown in the movie has been tested and proven in the brutal crucible we know as the cage.

As I watched, my mouth dropped open in awe. It is so obvious that this is the true path, that I have decided to abandon my current training, and immediately begin my journey in this revolutionary new art, that is so obviously superior to all others.

In the movie you can see the creator and instructor of this new art, teaching his unbelievable techniques, and he moves as fluidly as water, and yet is as hard as ice. He has found the way to best all other styles including BJJ, TKD, JKD, Karate, Kung Fu, MT, Ninjutsu, and whatever else you can throw at him, no problem.

The movie has been out for a while so it may surprise you that I have only just now seen it, but I am grateful for the opportunity of enlightenment I have been given. The movie is called Napoleon Dynamite, and this incredible new art is called Rex Kwon Do...no, I'm serious. Stop laughing. Stop laughing now, or I'll tell the illustrious Rex Soke where you live.

Man! Kip and Napoleon were such idiots to leave there without signing up!
You had me going for a moment. I almost thought you where changing for real

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