I'm really loving this karate stuff


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
I love karate. Why didn't I do this years ago? I feel so good when I kick and punch. Where have I been all these years? Oh well, better late than never.
I'm in the same boat ... I'm just glad I finally did find it!
Originally posted by rachel

I love karate. Why didn't I do this years ago? I feel so good when I kick and punch. Where have I been all these years? Oh well, better late than never.

Good for you Rachel ~!! Sure is nice to see the enthusiasm ~!! *G* I know if I had my druthers.. I would of started years ago too.. but hey.. Life hands us what we can usually handle at the time.. so I didn't get the opportunity til I was in my late 30s.. and going on 43 now.. I am better than I have ever been health wise and psychologically.. well yeah there's some that might say other.. *chortles. but it's great 'stuff' for sure~!!

Keep it up ~!

Tess 'Mania :)
Originally posted by KenpoTess

I am better than I have ever been health wise and psychologically.. well yeah there's some that might say other.. *chortles. but it's great 'stuff' for sure~!!

Keep it up ~!

Tess 'Mania :)
And to disagree, they would be flat out wrong.
Same here .......loving it, only been at it a month now.
I hurt everywhere at the mo......someone tell me that side of things gets better :D
someone tell me that side of things gets better

Well that depends if you are hurting because of the workout, well that will get better quite rapidly. On the other hand, if you are hurting because you are getting pounded on in sparring or in the technique line, well those are the good noogies from training that you will learn to treasure. :D

Originally posted by Blindside

Well that depends if you are hurting because of the workout, well that will get better quite rapidly

Yes, all just from the warm up sessions. I dunno if im pushing myself too hard, or if this is normal. This is the first all body excersize i've done for ........ Wow i haven't got time to work that one out! I was asking a colleague about my ailments ( he plays and manages football (soccer)), and described our warm up, and he said it sounded like his training sessions!

I was toying with not training tonight, to try and recover, but ive only 2 techniques left to learn and i dont want to miss them!

Oh and no, i'm not getting nearly enough noogies, everyone seems too respectfull;)

Originally posted by habanero_heat

Yes, all just from the warm up sessions. I dunno if im pushing myself too hard, or if this is normal. This is the first all body excersize i've done for ........ Wow i haven't got time to work that one out! I was asking a colleague about my ailments ( he plays and manages football (soccer)), and described our warm up, and he said it sounded like his training sessions!

I was toying with not training tonight, to try and recover, but ive only 2 techniques left to learn and i dont want to miss them!

Oh and no, i'm not getting nearly enough noogies, everyone seems too respectfull;)


First, I'm not a Kenpo practitioner so I don't know how you guys operate, and maybe I misunderstood your post :confused: Anyway, having said that, IMHO I would think that it may be a bit early for a rookie to be thrown to the wolves (begin full sparring) if new and having only been studying a Martial Art for a month. At my dojang we didn't begin full sparring until we had been training for 6 months. With us, the beginners initally only do non-contact sparring until they learn more of the fundamentals.

As far as the aches and pains go, when I first started I remember I used to have them pretty bad :( So, I went to training only 3 days a week. Eventually, over time (months, yrs) I worked myself up to 6 days a week. I still get sore at times, especially if I've had an extremely intense training session. However, it's not nearly as bad as when I started. I guess it just never ends...

Anyway, what I found is that it's best not to overtrain if you're a beginner in the MAs. Give your body time to heal between your workouts. Also, you don't want to burnout on your MA by overtraining. Over time increase the no. of days of the week that you workout in order to give your body time to adjust to this new strenuous activity. Just my take, good luck :asian:
Sore muscles are normal. At my old school, we actually had a pro baseball player come in to train (one of the Angels, whose name I can't remember at the moment) and even HE was sore the next day.

Its just your body's way of getting used to a new activity. It will go away in time. Make sure you have at least a day or two a week to REST. Don't train seven days a week. Your muscles need time to repair themselves.
Originally posted by rachel

I love karate. Why didn't I do this years ago? I feel so good when I kick and punch. Where have I been all these years? Oh well, better late than never.

I, too, wish I could have started earlier in martial arts. I watch the kids class that I somtimes help teach and envy every one of the runts. why couldn't my parents introduce me to something like this when I seven or eight? I can't imagine what I would know now or what I would be capable of doing. whenever I assist with the kids class, I really really try to make sure they do the basics right: blocks, punches, front kicks, kenpo punch. when I see something that they need help with, I look at myself..."am I doing this correctly?" helps me make myself better. but anyway..yeah...I wish I coulda started earlier.

in fact...I got a good lesson last night about analysis...it finally clicked Seig. :) I really need to start looking at things differently, which I haven't been doing.
First, I'm not a Kenpo practitioner so I don't know how you guys operate, and maybe I misunderstood your post Anyway, having said that, IMHO I would think that it may be a bit early for a rookie to be thrown to the wolves (begin full sparring) if new and having only been studying a Martial Art for a month. At my dojang we didn't begin full sparring until we had been training for 6 months. With us, the beginners initally only do non-contact sparring until they learn more of the fundamentals.

To be perfectly honest, we do throw our new students "to the wolves," it goes something like this:

Got your basics? (5 blocks, some handweapons, 4 kicks, 3 stances) Good, OK, here is your head and hand gear, got a mouthpiece on? Good, got your cup? Good, go get 'em tiger! Hey, (as they are heading out on the floor) keep your gaurd up..... and guard your groin!

Now to be fair, we don't fight full contact with any beginner, but we NEVER fight no-contact. We work with a beginner with generally light attacks, to give them a feel of defense, range, and timing. I've sometimes thought it was a little too early myself, but it does seem to work for us.

Originally posted by Blindside

To be perfectly honest, we do throw our new students "to the wolves," it goes something like this:

Now to be fair, we don't fight full contact with any beginner, but we NEVER fight no-contact. We work with a beginner with generally light attacks, to give them a feel of defense, range, and timing. I've sometimes thought it was a little too early myself, but it does seem to work for us.


you said it. after two years of TKD, I had never sparred with any contact except blocks. when I started Kenpo, I had to readjust to contact, which I didn't mind. really let's a person know, "hey, you just lost your head." granted, we don't do full contact, but we do make contact and damn it's fun.
Originally posted by Chronuss

you said it. after two years of TKD, I had never sparred with any contact except blocks. when I started Kenpo, I had to readjust to contact, which I didn't mind. really let's a person know, "hey, you just lost your head." granted, we don't do full contact, but we do make contact and damn it's fun.

Ohhh so it's Fun to swat me around eh... *moooooooooo*
Seig, Seig, Seig...........

SLAPPING Randy around is more funner,

Chronuss - Those poor Lil' Kenpo Cuties and the way youse pick on them, Mooooooo-pointy poke!

I agree with Seig & Chronuss, once the basics are there, start the sparring, and allow them to formulate their personal strategies, Senior students should help with guidance and the refinement of techs.

Seigs favorite is a "Tech of the week" he selects a BASIC Kenpo tech. and uses on EVERYONE during sparring at some point. Itsa hoot!
Originally posted by Stick Dummy

Seig, Seig, Seig...........

SLAPPING Randy around is more funner,

Chronuss - Those poor Lil' Kenpo Cuties and the way youse pick on them, Mooooooo-pointy poke!

I agree with Seig & Chronuss, once the basics are there, start the sparring, and allow them to formulate their personal strategies, Senior students should help with guidance and the refinement of techs.

Seigs favorite is a "Tech of the week" he selects a BASIC Kenpo tech. and uses on EVERYONE during sparring at some point. Itsa hoot!

Yeah.. I'm usually the one to get the majority of Mooooooo Pointy pokeage.. why's dat? Hmmmms

Seig's Tech of the week is a good thing~!! Yup it sure works~!

Hey nobody likes to swat me around... well fine.. I'll just keep time.. *hope I can see the clock*