IKC attendance

I had really wanted to go, but the costs defeated me.

Now that I know you guys are going too I'm really disappointed would have been nice to meet up.

Have fun and if you are competing Kick ***. :D
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
I had really wanted to go, but the costs defeated me.

Now that I know you guys are going too I'm really disappointed would have been nice to meet up.

Have fun and if you are competing Kick ***. :D

we lucked out for sure.. got flights out round trip for $116.00 taxes inclusive.. and a gorgeous hotel in Chelsea for a fantastic price.. (pays to know Travel agents personally *G*) I wish you could go too !~!!

We have around 21 going so far.. and 12 or so competing.. should be a great experience~!!

Greetings!! I think there are about five or six of us going from here. It should be a great weekend! We hope to see you guys there. Are you staying for the dinner on Sunday evening??

Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
Originally posted by True2Kenpo

Greetings!! I think there are about five or six of us going from here. It should be a great weekend! We hope to see you guys there. Are you staying for the dinner on Sunday evening??

Good journey.

Joshua Ryer

Hiya Josh :)

Good to hear from you~!

I'm sure we will see you there ~! Unfortunately Michael has to work Monday night so we'll be heading back home on a 6pm flight.

Talk to you soon~!

Living only an hour away, we will be making every effort to attend. (Yes, its a husband & wife kenpo combo...) No planes, trains..... just automobile! :)
Originally posted by sma_book
Living only an hour away, we will be making every effort to attend. (Yes, its a husband & wife kenpo combo...) No planes, trains..... just automobile! :)

That's Great~!! Hope to meet you and your husband there :)

Seig and I are another husband & wife Kenpo combo *G*

We'll have to figure out a way so people can find Martial Talk members in the masses :)

Originally posted by KenpoTess
That's Great~!! Hope to meet you and your husband there :)

Seig and I are another husband & wife Kenpo combo *G*

We'll have to figure out a way so people can find Martial Talk members in the masses :)


You could always wear martial talk t-shirts! :D
Originally posted by KenpoTess
We have a contigency going to the International's and would be fun to know who else is planning on attending :)

International Karate Championship Site

I have been in the past, (Cali 1992).

AAAHHHHRRRRGGGGG! I'd be there but I'm in Bosnia right now:(

Figures the year the IKC's are in my backyard and I'm stationed overseas.

Originally posted by kenpo3631
I have been in the past, (Cali 1992).

AAAHHHHRRRRGGGGG! I'd be there but I'm in Bosnia right now:(

Figures the year the IKC's are in my backyard and I'm stationed overseas.


well that's just wrong~!! You're overseas and all when the tourny is set in the U.S. for the first time in years~!!

We'll be thinking bout ya~!!!

Keep Safe !!!

We're rolling with laughter that there's a hotel now in that armpit city, but it IS a nice hotel. The city downtown was redone a few years back and has improved somewhat. It's not dangerous, just fairly poor.

Revere is a cab ride away- unless you plan to drive. In which case :D luck! Drive defensively.

I've spent all my life in that area, and now am only 30 min. away. I really can't afford it, but plan on attending the tourney anyway...
I look forward to meeting you guys!

Originally posted by Jill666
We're rolling with laughter that there's a hotel now in that armpit city, but it IS a nice hotel. The city downtown was redone a few years back and has improved somewhat. It's not dangerous, just fairly poor.

Revere is a cab ride away- unless you plan to drive. In which case :D luck! Drive defensively.

I've spent all my life in that area, and now am only 30 min. away. I really can't afford it, but plan on attending the tourney anyway...
I look forward to meeting you guys!


Hmmm well this Hotel sure looks nice..
not planning on touring around Chelsea .. and already have shuttle service planned to get us there.. so all is set..

Click here to see where we're staying

Yep.. will be nice to put faces to names.. Mr. C will be staying at that hotel with us.. so between Seig and Mr. C. I feel safe :)
Okay I'm getting really bummed now. I posted about the IKC months ago it it didn't look like people were all that interested. Now I find out a bunch of you are going.

Bummer :waah: :wah:
Hey, if a bunch of you guys meet up and/or compete, it'd be great if you could get some pics up here or on your respective Web sites.
