If you have little strength can you even do some damage?

This is pretty much the same conversation you had here in 2016. Did you ever seek medical advice about your fragile condition? It would seem that you need professional assistance. I hope you find the root answer to your questions.

We have a fellow at our school that has only his left arm from birth. He wears a prosthetic on his right. My instructor is creative enough to come up with techniques specifically for him. Our student never gives up and comes to class on a regular basis. He encourages everybody.
This is the same conversation from 2016. The OP hasn't been back, the thread just got necro'ed.
At my current state where I do not have the "strength" anymore from back then I'd probably be able to press
Interestingly, I’m like this with cardio training! My stamina hardly improves at all, despite diligent, progressive cardio training. Then I discovered that there is/are ’cardio gene(s)’ and having both pairs means you respond well to cardiovascular exercise, having one means a moderate effect only. I don’t have either thus, frustratingly, I really struggle to improve my cardio ability!

However, my strength and muscle mass increases relatively easier than most people’s, in response to progressive weight-training.

It’s just the way we’re ‘built’ kehcorpz. 🤷🏽‍♂️

The more strength one has, the harder one can hit and the more damage a strike will cause.