Iado books

Check out the Library here for some posts on sword books... heres a list of what I've got..all came well recomended. Flashing Steel is the best of the bunch IMHO. Iai: The Art of Drawing the Sword is also though highly of when I've seen it mentioned. :asian:

Flashing Steel: Mastering Eishin-Ryu Swordsmanship
by Masayuki Shimabukuro, Shihan M. Shimabukuro, Leonard Pellman (Contributor)
Paperback: 268 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.77 x 9.19 x 7.41
Publisher: Frog Ltd; ISBN: 1883319188; (May 1995)

The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship: A Manual of Eishin-Ryu Iaido
by Nicklaus SuinoPaperback: 264 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.68 x 9.98 x 7.04
Publisher: Weatherhill; ISBN: 0834803003; (June 1994)

Iai: The Art of Drawing the Sword
by Darrell Craig, Mark Hunter (Illustrator), Mary Schultz (Illustrator)
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.65 x 8.25 x 5.52
Publisher: Charles E Tuttle Co; ISBN: 0804870233; 4 edition (June 1991)

Japanese Swordsmanship: Technique and Practice
by Gordon Warner, Donn F. Draeger
Paperback: 312 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 10.01 x 7.29
Publisher: Weatherhill; ISBN: 0834802368; (April 1982)
Thanks for those suggestions.

Also, check out the Fall/Winter 2002 Century catalog.
l'd like to add to the list of good books:

Not really a iaido book, but the principles are really great!

The Unfettered Mind: Writings of the Zen Master to the Sword Master, By Takuan Soho, William Scott Wilson , Publisher: Kodansha International; ISBN: 087011851X; (March 1988)

A good book on japanese swords, not iaido:

The Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords, by Kokan Nagayama, Kenji Mishina, Publisher: Kodansha International; ISBN: 4770020716; (March 1998)

I believe that understanding the sword will help your iai alot

Thanks for those resources Yari. I really want to study Rinzai Zen in relation to sword art.
I think that's a god fit, specially if your sensei can see the ralation between the two.

Rinzai is hard, but the direct way. Hope it works out for you!

Well, the Samurai studied Rinzai exclusively. That would be the reason I wish to study it.

Thought I'd share these notes with you:

"Takuan Zenshi [1573  1645] [Takuan Soho]:

A Zen monk responsible for the refinement of the Tea Ceremony [Cha no yu] who also developed the concept of Mushin. He founded the Tokai ji temple located at Shinagawa and was Abbot of the Daito kuji temple in Kyoto. Many assume that as a Zen monk and artist, Takuan's teachings to swordsmen are based on Zen doctrine. However, his teachings in these Martial Traditions are drawn from Taoist precepts along with his studies and beliefs in Shinto rather than Zen, Buddhism or Confucism. His Martial skills resulted in his becoming a teacher of Miyamoto Musashi. He also wrote two books en entitled Hontai and Seiko in which he revealed various secrets [Hiden] of the Martial Arts.

His most famous work is "Fudochi Shimmyo Roku'", Record of Imperturbable Divine Miracles. Unfortunately this book is often translated as the "Writings of the Zen Master to the Sword Master" and is viewed as being a dissertation on Zen vis-a-vie the Samurai. This particular book was written for Yagyo Munenori who later became a famed swordsman and addresses the question of morality with regard to the swordsman. However, the subject of morality is one that Zen does not address because Zen itself is devoid of any concept of originality. Yet, the misconception continues to exist that Zen and the Warrior are intertwined. However, these views are completely wrong since Zen does not contend with questions of morality such as right and wrong, or the concept of Immortality of the soul.

In this book Takuan states "a swordsman should give up any idea of surviving combat and place his mind on top of concerns for life and death". This idea should not be interpreted as being one of indifference but is instead called "Seishi o choetsu suru." This is the ability of the Warrior to transcend beyond the conscious thoughts of life and death, returning instead to a mental state call Muso whereby no reflection of thoughts have been impregnated on the natural faculties of the mind. Achieving this level then permits the mind to create actions free from the chains of thought or anticipated outcome of action.

Toward this end Takuan wrote:

"Being calm and serene in combat will lead to victory. Therefore a warrior must possess this state of calmness which will then provide the ability to: Penetrate the mystery of nature by the grace of an open mind and through nonaction, master the principles of change. The one who is truly prepared for combat seems to be the one who is not at all prepared".

Because of the profound wisdom expressed within its pages, many consider this book to have been divinely inspired."

Good luck with your studies.

:asian: :asian:
Domo arigato gozaimasu, Old Sempai.

Your profound knowledge is very helpful and insightful.

Idaten, you are quite welcome. It was all I had to offer since others identified what may be some of the best books on Iai and related subjects.

On another note both you [and Yari] may want to visit www.newyorkbudokai.net site. While this is not the exact group I studied with Mr Ortiz served as a guest instructor for many classes at the Dojo where I did take class.

My Instructor was also a student of Otani Sensei, and the style he taught known as Muso Shinden Ryu, but my Instructor expanded the curriculemn further and included Jikishin Eishin Ryu along with other styles whose names escape me at the moment.


:asian: :asian:
I'll take a look at that site. I met someone who studied there once while I was selling pictures at a soccer tournement. Anyway, what do you know of Tenshin-ryu, that is the style I will be studying.
A Good book on swordmanship and philosophy is "The Way and the Power" by Frank Lovertt, Paladin Press 1987.

A truely deep and thoughful read.
Jeremy Bays
Hey there!

Directly from Japan translated is a good book

The Art of The Japanese Sword (As taught by the Experts)

Kunihira Kawachi and Masao Manabe