I will build for you Custom Avatars!


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Missoula, Montana
Fellow Artists,
Having some free time on my hands I will design for you a custom avatar using a picture you submit. It should be a picture of you. If nothing else you can make your current picture look pretty spiffy. Sifu DangeRuss has a pretty cool custom Avatar too. All of my IM addys are above, and feel free to email me.
Your technique is flawed!!! You killed my master, you will pay!!! I wonder if Seig does Booting to the Groin for hire? (Goes looking for Seig)
Thanks again Hollywood for this Avatar that you just made me. I like it a lot.
No no I've seen this scam before, we send you our picture or whatever and you put it on a cheap backround and then we recieve the $100 bill in the post! I know your ways :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
ummm......I said NICE avatar didnt I :confused:

sorry blades... i thought you might be poking fun when i saw the ROTFL. my appologies.
Originally posted by Shinzu
sorry blades... i thought you might be poking fun when i saw the ROTFL. my appologies.

Its cool, but your lucky cuz I was about to come and Kung Fu your *** :rolleyes:

I want one with a two edged sword coming out of my mouth...
Lightning from my eyes...
Fire from my nose...but don't singe my moustache...
I want a body like Arnold (in his better days) and tattoos of sand worms erupting from my pectoralis muscles...fighting with owls that are tattooed on my shoulders...I want an erupting volcano emerging from my speedos onto my abdomen (hey, a guy can dream can't he?)...

...but wait, that's a bit much...nevermind...
