I love basics


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Last night as usual sabonim let me teach the teens and some men and women but below her intructions, these were:

1.-Warm up/callistecnics and flexibility/stretching.
2.-Use of hogu (the protector vest) and do competition drills (kicks).
3.-Physucall training (crunches,pushups,situps,etc,etc).

I did all (the sabon had to leave) and at the end of the class only a black belt and and another three guys kept in side mat so we practiced kichos 1,2,3 and 4, it was amazing cause even this are basic exercises the student must perfomr them with authority, good tech,good timing, acuracy and speed. The black belt did not remember but kicho 1, so he end the class remembering all four kichos and the yellow belt aporached to me and gave me a hug and told me he was happy cause he now knows the 4 kichos and he can test to advanced yellow belt the next test.

Next class I have the chance to teach I will continue with basics, if our foundation is bad then we must rebuilt it.

Basics are always good to go back to. Like you said it's the foundation on which your style is created. I always enjoyed the classes when we went back and focused on basic techniques.
without the basics you really have nothing but people kicking and punching and no art to be seen.
Good for you and the ones that stayed to practice basics
I believe strongly in the importance of the repetition of basics, but I would gladly add both of those sayings to the martial arts clichés thread.

I understand the sentiment behind each but I do find them misleading.

An advanced technique is just that: advanced. It lives off of basics, the basics are prerequisites, but the basics and the advanced techniques are very different.

A black belt worth something takes more than perseverence and time served in my book.
A black belt worth something takes more than perseverence and time served in my book.

Hey, there's a saying for that too! "Don't mistake the craftsman who has 20 years of experience with the craftsman who has had 1 year of experience twenty times." :)
Great words sir. Stretching , punching, kicking. Those foundations create success.