I love Animals, but I hate the Planet...


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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So I'm out shopping and this woman comes up to me and starts in on me about my leather jacket. "You are killing animals, blah blah, cruel, blah blah, wrong, blah blah"

And she's wearing a Vinyl coat. And Im just like... Yeah a cow had to die to make my coat, and the tasty burger I had for lunch. How about the enviromental effect of the production of YOUR jacket? All the pollution spewed by the factory that made that sythetic plastic, the habitats destroyed to drill for the petroleum in it or the oil spilled by tankers, the landfill that non-biodegradable coat will end up in destroying more of the earth...

But Im the *** for wearing leather.

Seriously now.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
The last time someone gave me **** about wearing leather, I told them to back off before they provided the material for my next jacket.
Besides, I love animals, especially venison... :fanboy:


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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I'm a huge supporter of PETA. You know, People Eating Tasty Animals

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
People that complain about fur, could have a point. Their points are usually misinformed...
Those that complain about leather are just fools. The meat (muscle) of the cow that leather used to cover gets eaten. Almost every part of the cow is used someway, the same cannot be said for farm raised mink, sable, etc. If the mink, sable, fox, etc were raised for both the fur AND the meat, that would be less wasteful, and more profitable, if only slightly. Who wouldn't rather eat a cute little fox than a big ugly Patagonian toothfish (Chilean Sea Bass) those things are UGLY...


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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People that complain about fur, could have a point. Their points are usually misinformed...
Those that complain about leather are just fools. The meat (muscle) of the cow that leather used to cover gets eaten. Almost every part of the cow is used someway, the same cannot be said for farm raised mink, sable, etc. If the mink, sable, fox, etc were raised for both the fur AND the meat, that would be less wasteful, and more profitable, if only slightly. Who wouldn't rather eat a cute little fox than a big ugly Patagonian toothfish (Chilean Sea Bass) those things are UGLY...

Suddenly I feel like eating a mink, wait, how much do those things weigh? Is there enough meat for a burger? On an unrelated side note, Rabbit not only makes a lovely coat, but are darn tastey!


Senior Master
Jan 13, 2007
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Upstate New York.
I used to say that Paris was the finest city in the world.... but for the population. They made New Yok City denizens seem polite by comparison.

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
Suddenly I feel like eating a mink, wait, how much do those things weigh? Is there enough meat for a burger? On an unrelated side note, Rabbit not only makes a lovely coat, but are darn tastey!
We could save LOTS of endangered species by making them popular to eat. There is not now, nor has there ever been a shortage of cattle, sheep, or chickens...


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Near an apartment where I used to live some PETA supporter kept spray-painting "Meat Is Murder" on brick walls and where-ever.
Every now and again I'd just "happen" to have a large black marker and would add "NOT" with a ^ between is and murder. This would of course get blackened out and it would go on.

Got to the point that on a bathroom wall there it was "Meat Is Murder" to which... I reasoned.... well maybe it is. And wrote back underneath... "every time you eat a salad you kill of X number of plants to create your salad...the Lettuce, tomatoes, beans, carrots, radishes all were once alive... with a steak only 1 thing had to die!"
Also wrote...
"You can feed more people with one Steer than you can with 1 head of Lettuce.
Think of the hungry!"

Same with clothing... without animals our ancestors would've frozen to death.

yeah yeah I was contributing to graffiti at the time... but at the time... I didn't care. It's been a while.

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
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Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
I hate environmentalists to the core.. They offer band aid solutions to the earths problems that pretty much would leave economies crippled and millions starving.

Drive a hybrid? How about the fact that their batteries by nature are more toxic than regular car batteries decimating the environment they are created in, try disposing of that. Then there's the fact that hybrid users drive more than users of regular engines so while we take the train to work to save the environment and only use the car on the weekend, you hippies burn enough gas for all of us all week.
Ethanol? Corn based ethanol is extremely inefficient and there was some figure I heard that it took enough corn to feed a person for a year to fill an ethanol engine.
Leather Vs Plastics? Well, leather lasts really long, we use the meat and cows are some of the hugest polluters on the planet so every time I eat beef or put on my jacket, pants, boots, wallet I'm happy about it. Plastics cost us in oil, and a long and pretty devastating manufacture process and then much of it is not recyclable.


Blue Belt
Sep 9, 2007
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London Ontario
Hey I have always said it would be a nice planet if it were not for all the people

I am having such a hard time typing this because of all the tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! I think this is honestly one of the most hilarious and true statements I've ever read!

I personally don't mind enviromentalists and animal lovers and the like, we all have a right to believe what we want to believe. I personally can't stand when people try to tell me how evil it is to eat meat etc. I'm not forcing my meat down your throat, don't force your salad down mine!


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
I hate environmentalists to the core.. They offer band aid solutions to the earths problems that pretty much would leave economies crippled and millions starving.

Drive a hybrid? How about the fact that their batteries by nature are more toxic than regular car batteries decimating the environment they are created in, try disposing of that. Then there's the fact that hybrid users drive more than users of regular engines so while we take the train to work to save the environment and only use the car on the weekend, you hippies burn enough gas for all of us all week.
Ethanol? Corn based ethanol is extremely inefficient and there was some figure I heard that it took enough corn to feed a person for a year to fill an ethanol engine.
Leather Vs Plastics? Well, leather lasts really long, we use the meat and cows are some of the hugest polluters on the planet so every time I eat beef or put on my jacket, pants, boots, wallet I'm happy about it. Plastics cost us in oil, and a long and pretty devastating manufacture process and then much of it is not recyclable.
Environmentalists aren't the problem. Idealists who only look at the surface are.

I'm a reasonable or responsible environmentalist; I recycle what's practical, I try to minimize waste, and I try to have a reasonable (and hopefully overall positive) impact on the planet.

I don't drive a hybrid; my driving habits aren't going to benefit from a hybrid. I use plastics, and disposable stuff. Nor am a hypocrite about food. I'm not a vegan who conveniently ignores the simple fact that it's impossible to maintain food without killing some critters, nor am I a meat eater who ignores the fact that critters died to put delicious prime rib on my table. I'm lazy; I'd rather go to the grocery store or butcher shop than go out, hunt down Bambi, butcher him, and put his haunch on my table. Or even raise a couple cows to become dinner... And, every once in a while, buddies of mine who do hunt share venison with me.

Environmentalism isn't insanity, any more than Islam or Christianity is. Whether you're talking environmentalism or religion, it's only at the extremist fringe where you find the intolerant, unreasonable crazies that end up giving the whole idea a bad name.


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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I hate environmentalists to the core.. They offer band aid solutions to the earths problems that pretty much would leave economies crippled and millions starving.

Drive a hybrid? How about the fact that their batteries by nature are more toxic than regular car batteries decimating the environment they are created in, try disposing of that. Then there's the fact that hybrid users drive more than users of regular engines so while we take the train to work to save the environment and only use the car on the weekend, you hippies burn enough gas for all of us all week.
Ethanol? Corn based ethanol is extremely inefficient and there was some figure I heard that it took enough corn to feed a person for a year to fill an ethanol engine.
Leather Vs Plastics? Well, leather lasts really long, we use the meat and cows are some of the hugest polluters on the planet so every time I eat beef or put on my jacket, pants, boots, wallet I'm happy about it. Plastics cost us in oil, and a long and pretty devastating manufacture process and then much of it is not recyclable.

I wont argue with you about hybrids, I think there are other options.

Are you aware that the US produces enough food to feed the entire planet 10 times over, and that the gov. pays farmers to not plant, so as not to crash our economy? Why not just pay them to grow corn, and convert it into ethanol? The left overs, by the way, make great feed for cows, so there is almost no left overs to be disposed of. Are you also aware that there are countrys that use only ethanol, like Brazil? And that Brown (the package delivery company), uses natural gas to power there vechiles, same with the public buses in the D.C. area?

So, how do you feel about power from hydro-electric sources or wind power? You know, natural sources.

Live True

Brown Belt
Nov 23, 2007
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Palmyra, VA
Environmentalists aren't the problem. Idealists who only look at the surface are.[...]I'm a reasonable or responsible environmentalist; I recycle what's practical, I try to minimize waste, and I try to have a reasonable (and hopefully overall positive) impact on the planet. [...]Environmentalism isn't insanity, any more than Islam or Christianity is. Whether you're talking environmentalism or religion, it's only at the extremist fringe where you find the intolerant, unreasonable crazies that end up giving the whole idea a bad name.

Great point! Basically, the issue is not whether you eat meat or don't, or if you "live green" or don't.....it's whether you look beyond the sound-bite of the moment and the popular charity of the week. It's the sheep and surface sliders that give everyone a headache and get those haughty and all-knowing (yeah, right) attitudes. Personally, I find it funny that someone who has read less and thought less about thier position, who then wants to tell me how I'm wrong.....Cryozombie...I hope you told her what you typed here...might give her something to think about!:wink:

If everyone put a little more thought into thier beliefs, we'd have a lot fewer issues to fight over, eh? I mean, what sane person is going to object to the full use of an animal or resource, rather than huge waste and chemicals....sigh...never mind....I know the unfortunate answer to that one!

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
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Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
Hydro electric plants are also destructive. You either have to dam a river destroying two eco systems by flooding a valley and starving another place of the water flow it's been getting alomost forever. Putting one at the mouth or a river leading into the sea destroys spawning grounds for smaller fish or in some cases prohibits fish from swimming upstream to lay eggs. Then there's the houge gouge that's erroded on the sea side of the plant that may destroy communities of coral and the fish that live on them.

Wind power's not practical at the moment, they produce so little power that each persons house would need a dedicated windmill going the whole time so times without wind or in winter when the gears freeze up then you are screwed.


Senior Master
Aug 30, 2006
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Olathe, KS
There is a possible compromise between Cryo's desire to wear a leather jacket and the wacktivist's desire to see no animal killed to make leatherwear. It just depends on how nice the wacktivist's skin looks when it has been stretched and tanned, and how well it cuts wind chill. ;)

Walk the talk, sweetie.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 13, 2005
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Saint Cloud, Florida
On an unrelated side note, Rabbit not only makes a lovely coat, but are darn tastey!

Kreth said:
Besides, I love animals, especially venison...

Absolutely and me too!


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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Hydro electric plants are also destructive. You either have to dam a river destroying two eco systems by flooding a valley and starving another place of the water flow it's been getting alomost forever. Putting one at the mouth or a river leading into the sea destroys spawning grounds for smaller fish or in some cases prohibits fish from swimming upstream to lay eggs. Then there's the houge gouge that's erroded on the sea side of the plant that may destroy communities of coral and the fish that live on them.

There are other forms of hydro-electric power. There are places were they apply the same principle to the ocean current. It works by essentially creating a damn at high tide (the water stays at the level it's at, so it's not destructive), and then, a breach(es) is opened that allows water through (like, through a turbine), and also allows fish to pass.
There are also plants that use waves to generate power. Iceland uses the power of hot water springs. Scientist have theorised that about 60% of the world could use the same source to get it's electricy. The same hot water is then pumped under streets to melt snow, and into some buildings walls to reduce the amount the climate control needs to be used.

There are plenty of houses were people are using small wind mills to generate enough electricity that they are actually selling it to the power company.

There are also places (Spain for example) were they are trying to use heat from the sun to make electricty.

They may not be enough to completly get rid of the Oil Industry, they will certainly reduce our dependency on it, and will eventually make it obsolete.

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