I have noticed on more than one .......


Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
Scottsdale, Arizona
occasion... that different studios do not put much emphasis on kicking...... foot positions etc. Is this because Kenpo is known for it's "Awesome Hand Combinations" or are we just lazy?
Mr. C, I cannot speak for the majority of schools, but I know my people work a LOT on foot work and kicking. I tell them I don't care how well they can punch, if the foot work is not right, the punch is worthless. Not learning to kick and kick properly is like a carpenter only having one saw or one hammer. You have to have all of your tools. You can always have favorites or one use use more than others, but you must have and know how to use all of them.:asian:
Our school has a pretty balanced curriculum when it comes to kicking and striking, I think. We are drilled in both pretty well, and a good emphasis is put on chambering the kicks and keeping balance. Stances both before and after kicks are quite important topics, as well.

The thing I like is that we tend to avoid a lot of the flashier kicks and settle in to what works (not a lot of aerials in our school!!). Good for me, since I ain't all that flexible.....

I've noticed the school I'm going to doesn't emphasize kicking at all except in the self-defense techniques.

Me I have a TKD background so I'm in to all the kicks. Isn't a chicken kick considered a "jump" kick since both feet leave the ground for a split second?

I've also noticed in tournaments most fighters aren't worried about getting kicked in the face by a kenpoist. The groin however is easy pickens for them.

Does your school place equal emphasis on kicking GD? To all ranges or just below the waist?

Well in our school we put the emphasis on the basic kicks off of the basics list. Once again we put it in application. Most of the people in our school (adults) are on the bigger side and don't like to do kicks all that well. I say the more the merryier and again that's just me. My opinion about the front,rear chicken kick I suppose technically speaking that is a jump kick but I personally would only use it from behind the attacker. Leaping crane actually would be the position I'd use it in.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Klondike93
Does your school place equal emphasis on kicking GD? To all ranges or just below the waist?

He saw a couple of my brown belts doing the kicking set. Let him answer that one.....

Those guys were just as good as any TKD student I've ever trained with. Just change the gi and you wouldn't notice a difference between the students. Mr. Conatser broke down kicking set I like I've never seen before. Kicking set to me just became more valueable as well as the other sets now that I have some ammo to understand how to take them apart properly.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

Those guys were just as good as any TKD student I've ever trained with. Just change the gi and you wouldn't notice a difference between the students. Mr. Conatser broke down kicking set I like I've never seen before. Kicking set to me just became more valueable as well as the other sets now that I have some ammo to understand how to take them apart properly.
Jason Farnsworth

Can you explain in what way he broke it down? What did he do?

in my school we were beginning to kick quite a bit more up to the point of this particular student injuring his knee playing VOLLEYBALL!!! I felt my kicking ability was developing nicely up to this point. I have not been able to work the kicking sets the way i think they should. I recently tested for yellow and was required to perform a variety of kicks. This I felt was the weakest part of my test.

:shrug: :shrug:


I've elected not to teach the "Kicking Set" per A/K standards. I do however run several kicking drills in class and require several kicks in each rank. I stress low kicks for self defense and a variety of high and mid kicks for competition. My students seem to do fairly well in competition so I guess I'm doing something right.:shrug:
What kind of kicking drills do you do?

I think kicking set is kind of fun. Do it in a vertical line, horizontal line or a box. Try it slow, fast, do all jump kicks. Hmmm, all these ideas just sitting here typing this. :)

I think the lack of kenpo kicking skills falls to the instructors level of expertise. My former instructor claimed dan ranking in T.K.D.. Therefore I believe my instructor like others from the school benefitted, and adopted those kicks. Other kenpo studios I've visited were sorely lacking in any type of effective kicking prowess. If I can venture a guess. I would say thats why Mr.Kelly's kick set was included into the EPAK material. To give kenpoist in general an outlet to practice, and perfect our kicking skills?

Salute :asian:
Mr. Jackson,
Do you teach the entire EPAK curriculum to your students except for kicking sets, or have you eliminated other parts of the curriculum? I too am just curious. Do you not think that the kicking sets are an integral part to the curriculum seeing as how the systems founder felt they were important enough to include?

Gary Catherman
I believe kicking needs to be explored as much the blocks and punchs. Kicking should remind us that distance is our friend since it the longest range weapon the body has.
as just one catagory of many in the "Basics", we must strive to develop fully all our skills. Range it does have from very close (heel stomp) to long range (front kick).

As I understand it Mr. Parker did NOT personally develop most* of the "sets" as they are now taught.

These were added to the system as part of the 24 technique system that was developed by some of Mr. Parkers senior Black Belts for "commercial" reasons.

I teach ALL of the "Original" forms and Sets in Mr. Parker's "32" system as well as ALL the new S.D. Techniques, including some that were dropped from the system as the 24 system was developed.

For more information on my requirements for Black Belt see my Site at:
(*Mr. Parker personally developed Block Set and Finger Set)

Originally posted by Kalicombat

Mr. Jackson,
Do you teach the entire EPAK curriculum to your students except for kicking sets, or have you eliminated other parts of the curriculum? I too am just curious. Do you not think that the kicking sets are an integral part to the curriculum seeing as how the systems founder felt they were important enough to include?

Gary Catherman
well training under the guy who developed kicking set I dont think we got out of it too easy..........and hes also big on stances and using your horse....they help build power you can tell when a school doesnt do much training out of the horse or much stance work they lack power
Originally posted by C.E.Jackson
As I understand it Mr. Parker did NOT personally develop most* of the "sets" as they are now taught.

I want to know who is spreading rumors.........
