I hate the TSA!

I'm in Buffalo. Why would I go to a football game? :rofl:
Oh and football security is now TSA land. VIPR teams remember?
except is private security doing the searching. You know the private guys you want at airports.

You do know there are so many comments I could make about this right? :D Then again, I once found a penny in a babys diaper. :D
was it on heads?
But you do realize you're probably the 1st cop I've found in almost a decade that actually likes the TSA?
I dont "like" TSA but I dont think they are criminal thugs molesting people. They are just doing a job thats very unpopular and are easy to take shots at which are uncalled for.
I'm just not "OK" with poorly trained dishonest bullies who don't know how to operate their own equipment being used as a line of defence against terrorism.
I'd feel safer if Gallagher was standing by the door with his sledge-o-matic.
Not by much, because he's become an unfunny homophobic bitter shell of what he once was.
But still a better option than what we got now.
Again nonsense. They are not bullies and Gallagher? ok
Thats why I don't fly. Keeps me out of jail for kneeing some pedo in the teeth for a 'nervous twitch' that was set off by my bollucks being caressed or not knowing the current rules to TSA Freeze Tag.
Again your exaggerating for effect. YOU have never been bothered by a TSA agent and neither have I or anyone else I personally know. But hey why let that get in the way of a good joke right
If you're ok with it that's your business.
there is nothing to be OK with. it just is. You want to fly follow the rules and you wont have any problems.

Funny I see your same childish names when you talk about law enforcement as well, but now all of a sudden they are the saving grace
except is private security doing the searching. You know the private guys you want at airports.

TSA 'Secured' Metrodome During Recent Football Game

Posted by Soulskill on Saturday January 05, 2013 @04:50PM
from the a-large-an-oddly-shaped-airplane dept.
McGruber writes "Travel writer Christopher Elliott touches down with the news that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration was spotted standing around outside a recent American football game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Green Bay Packers (picture). According to Mr. Elliott, the 'TSA goes to NFL games and political conventions and all kinds of places that have little or nothing to do with ... travel. It even has a special division called VIPR — an unfortunate acronym for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response team — that conducts these searches.' He continues, 'As far as I can tell, TSA is just asking questions at this point. "Data and results collected through the Highway BASE program will inform TSA's policy and program initiatives and allow TSA to provide focused resources and tools to enhance the overall security posture within the surface transportation community," it says in the filing. But they wouldn't be wasting our money asking such questions unless they planned to aggressively expand VIPR at some point in the near future. And that means TSA agents at NFL games, in subways and at the port won't be the exception anymore — they will be the rule.'"

Funny. I didn't see airplanes on the field.

I dont "like" TSA but I dont think they are criminal thugs molesting people. They are just doing a job thats very unpopular and are easy to take shots at which are uncalled for.
You also think I'm being a meany when I call out bad cops for their rights violations.
Let's just agree to disagree here.

Again nonsense. They are not bullies and Gallagher? ok
So, you don't think exposing womens breasts, ordering handicapped to walk unassisted, etc is bullying?

Again your exaggerating for effect. YOU have never been bothered by a TSA agent and neither have I or anyone else I personally know. But hey why let that get in the way of a good joke right
I've never been robbed by a flash mob, but I can tell when something is wrong.

there is nothing to be OK with. it just is. You want to fly follow the rules and you wont have any problems.

Ah, the old "do as we say and no one gets hurt" arguement. Used by highwaymen for centuries.

Funny I see your same childish names when you talk about law enforcement as well, but now all of a sudden they are the saving grace
ok. I've been trying to be nice here.
Or maybe I'm past due for the November Top Bad Cop stories.

Lots n lots n lots at http://www.policemisconduct.net/

It's nice to know that these "fine upstanding examples" of your profession might be able to despite their in many cases convictions, find gainful employment at an airport as a screener. While you will rightfully argue that these are the exceptions among law enforcement, I don't want them in -any- position of authority. Not as cops, not as TSA, not as karate teachers, not even as crossing guards. I want them no where near honest people and children. Digging ditches, picking lettuce, collecting garbage, sorting cans.

I'll call a bad cop a lot of colorful things. You know what I call a good cop?

"Sir" (or "Mam" as appropriate.)

That's the 1 major point you and I disagree on. I think bad cops should be vilified, publicly crucified and shamed. You think they should be quietly buried, and that bringing them up somehow is disrespectful to the tens of thousands of good honest hardworking men and women in law enforcement nation wide.

And that's all I have to say about cops right now.

A report released Tuesday by the Government Accountability Office says the TSA investigated nearly 10,000 cases of alleged misconduct by security screeners since 2010. The misconduct accusations included everything from sleeping on the job to failing to show up for work to allowing relatives to bypass security checkpoints.
Accusations of misconduct by TSA staffers increased 27 percent from 2010 to 2012, according to the GAO report.
The report says nearly one-third of the misconduct accusations involved unexcused absences or repeatedly showing up late for work. Some 20 percent involved a staffer sleeping on the job or failing to follow procedure. Sixteen percent of the misconduct allegations involved insubordination.
The GAO report says 47 percent of alleged staffer wrongdoing resulted in a letter of reprimand, 31 percent ended with a suspension and 17 percent resulted in dismissals.

Nothing to see here. Go baaaaaaack to sleeeeeeep.

Final word on the TSA

It's coming. It's coming.
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You proved my point. There are bad people in all professions, TSA, Police, Doctors, Auto Mechanics, Vets, military, football players, news photographers. So you cry about TSA and demand it taken over by law enforcement and then you list bad cops. So then You want private security huh? Oh yeah there has never been any private security guards in trouble. lol

You keep crying and refusing to fly I dont care it means more seats available for me.
That's the 1 major point you and I disagree on. I think bad cops should be vilified, publicly crucified and shamed. You think they should be quietly buried, and that bringing them up somehow is disrespectful to the tens of thousands of good honest hardworking men and women in law enforcement nation wide.
Dont tell me what I think should happen to bad cops unlike you I HAVE ARRESTED bad cops. I dont think they should be buried. The fact that the make news shows how rare they are.
You're deliberately being obtuse here, and I really have other things to do than keep going back and forth.
In the end, they aren't welcome here, they are inefficient and corrupt, and there's better ways to have real security.
You're deliberately being obtuse here, and I really have other things to do than keep going back and forth.
In the end, they aren't welcome here, they are inefficient and corrupt, and there's better ways to have real security.

Your site you can be a childish as you want I guess
Your site you can be a childish as you want I guess

[h=1]TSA admits to HR SNAFU allowing sex offenders to be hired[/h]
August 23, 2013An undisclosed number of TSA screeners have been found to be convicted sex offenders. Most still registered as sex offenders. Yet still able to work groping away at air travelers.
The error stems from the use of a private security company to complete the background checks. An internal memo obtained from the TSA outlines what took place. “Our instructions to the company said ‘complete background check that includes a driver history and credit history’. The contractor took the instructions too literal. The only background they checked was driving and credit history.”

[h=1]TSA Hires Criminals and Sexual Predators Without Checking Backgrounds[/h]
April 27, 2012
Infowars.com has reported numerous instances of TSA employees assaulting and stealing from passengers over the last few years. The TSA has consistently hired violent criminals and even pedophiles and there is a logical explanation for this – the agency does not follow through on background checks.

The Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) didn’t bother to do a background check on a priest who had been defrocked for molesting girls before they gave him a job, which included doing pat downs on children at Philadelphia International Airport.
The Philadelphia Inquirer on Monday reported that the agency confirmed that 65-year-old Thomas Harkins had been forced out of the priesthood over allegations that he had sexually abused two grade-school girls.
But the TSA took no actions because “[a]n allegation alone does not warrant dismissal or automatically disqualify applicants from employment with the TSA,” spokesperson Ann Davis told the Inquirer.
The TSA said that they had hired Harkins without a background check because of an urgent need for agents after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Today, the agency no longer conducts mass hirings and a background check is required for every employee.

[h=1]TSA Allows Airports To Hire People Without Finishing Background Check[/h] April 26, 2012

While the TSA dare not let a hug-friendly 4-year-old go by without a pat-down, the agency is apparently just fine with allowing airports to hire new employees who haven’t gone through a complete background check yet.
The reason, reports Atlanta’s WSB-TV, is that the TSA backlog on background checks has been holding back airports from bringing on new hires. Thus, the agency opted to delay the checks in order to get these people working.

This is a serious enough problem that at least 4 States brought bills up criminalizing TSA actions, and both US Senators and Reps also brought bills up to protect passengers from the predatory actions of our so called "Security".

But you say -I'm- being childish here? By not welcoming these creatures to my community?
Would you welcome them into your department? Your school? Your home?
I wouldn't. So I don't.
So because a few slipped through the crack all must be bad. Got it. So I'm no better then the bad cops you posted in your eyes because my job =who I am. 1 bad cop means all cops are Pigs as you like to call them. Well at least I know where I stand with you.
So because a few slipped through the crack all must be bad. Got it. So I'm no better then the bad cops you posted in your eyes because my job =who I am. 1 bad cop means all cops are Pigs as you like to call them. Well at least I know where I stand with you.

Now who's being the child here?

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