i fell from on my elbow



i need some good opinion on this.

yesterday i jumped and slipped. i fell from 4ft and landed on my elbow. i was real painful when i moved it yesterday, its a lot better today. im going to see a doctor in a few days. i can move my arm free of pain, it is only painful when little pressure is applied. could it be a bruised bone?

my question is: if my elbow is fractured, can i move it? is it supposed to hurt when i move it?
forgot to mension this was at my gym, on the mats, but i felt the ground beneathe to mat when i landed
you might have a bruised bone, or it could be a hairline fracture. either way you should get it looked at so you don't damage it more.
if you can move it...it's probably not even a hairline fracture...just a bruise.

but your doctor will tell you for sure when you get an exam
i always consult a doctor when i am not sure about injuries. better to be safe then sorry.