I am Fashion Challenged

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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I am confused.


Can someone with explain to me what is wrong with her outfit? Why is it out of fashion?

I agree some of the other "prints" on the dresses are something I do not like, but I do not like those prints on anyone. But that is personal taste not Fashion.

Because that's not what the "Top Fashion Geztaporazi" say is "in".
I consider myself moderately fashionable but yes I agree with you, she doesn't look outdated. I can't find what is wrong with the main picture.

Now some of those others...
As they said... it's outdated... but like you, Rich, I don't see anything bad with it. I think it's because they're jealous that she can fit into those jeans and they can't. I like to catch them on their off days.

Of course with some of their reviews of some of the stars' wear... I would agree with. What were they thinking?
I am so fashion challenged that there are days I look like some of the major designers! Did you ever see what those guys look like?

To me, it isn't the clothes so much as the person wearing them. My wife looks fine in scruffy clothes when we are doing home repairs or lawn work; but when she wants to dress up, look out.... she has the comfort and the confidence to wear whatever she wants, and to give some class to the look.
I thought the outfit was ok -- I mean it's basically jeans and a t-shirt. Unless she's headed for a funeral, what's the problem?

But don't by me. According to my wife, I'm one of those people who should check with someone about coordinating clothes before I leave the house.


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I'm akin to Xue with this subject. I stay the same and the fashion world revolves around me until, by happenstance, for about three weeks every decade, I'm suddenly 'in fashion' :lol:.

As to Posh, well you have to recall that we Britishers have had to endure the Spice Girls media frenzy for a very long time and thus are jaded and bitter about all the hoopla :D. For my tastes, then yes, she's far too thin and needs to eat a few pies but her husband seems to like her, so what does my opinion matter?
Agreed Posh is too thin! It's noticable I have to say that fashions in Europe are different from American fashions. What comes out of Paris, London and Milan is very different from what comes out of New York or California.