



Its very late at night. you're in an empty subway car. Two or
three fellas enter the car at the next stop and basically
these 'guys' decide you are their next prey. Besides walking into
the next car, lets assume they're gonna follow you until their are
no more cars to go into. What do you do? If you get off at the
next stop they will probably chase you down? What chances
would you take? And for those of us who cant relate to being in a
subway because they havent been in one, try to imagine any
other space which is tightly packed. The main reason i chose the
subway car is because the right (or wrong) situation can be very
dangerous and no one necessarily will be around to see or
assist a person. Comments?
I'd throw fecal matter in their eyes and then hit them with anything I could.

Where would I get the fecal matter, trust me there would be enough handy if the situation was bad enough.
:rofl: :rofl: ROFLMAO!!! :rofl: :rofl:

I know where I'd get it from! I'm too new to m.a. to get out
of this successfully, unless these guys are major dumb asses!
But either way, I'd have a steady supply, it'd be hot, and fresh!
First off I would hope I'm familiar with the route the next stop it will be making. I would make eye contact with them let them know that I'm aware of thier presence and I'm not going to be caught off guard. If they made any aggressive actions toward me and I knew there a fight was going to break out assuming no one was armed I would position my sef so they couldn't surround me and move before they do. I would go for the person closest to me attack him and try and use him as a weapon by manuvering him into another attackers to slow them down. and then try and run a few cars down. If I new where the nex stop was try and get off there and run to the safest place I knew of. hoping they aren't following.
hummm lol tricky situation... you dont know what they want and you dont know if they are armed and your alone in a subway car hummm... well personally if im going down im taking someone with me lol... but if one made the mistake of getting close enough to me i would probably attempt to get him a choke hold of some kind and use him as a hostage/shield... chances are his buddies are not going to risk killing him to get to you... but if all else fails just start kicking *** and hope for the best lol
Boy, that's a tough one. It's easy to sit here and say what you would do, but if it really was happening, I'd have to agree with Rob and Kirk. I would have plenty of fecees to throw at them!!

But, with no way out, try to pick out the leader. Take out the "alpha" leader and the rest of the pack should wimmper.
Then get the hay out of there as fast as your feet can carry you.

I've been on a subway before and through my kenpo training, I was trying to be aware of any threats and looking for ways out.

Originally Posted By: Klondike93
But, with no way out, try to pick out the leader. Take out the "alpha" leader and the rest of the pack should wimmper.

Good thinking. I don't know that I would've thought of that if
stuck in this situation, but it totally makes perfect sense to me.
I'll keep this in mind in the future, that's for sure.

It's funny .. there's been a lot of things since I've started studying
that make perfect sense, and are completely logical, yet I never
thought of them. That was one of the many things that I didn't
know about going into this, yet love about it now that I
experience it.
I found myself in a similar scenario about 5 years ago. I was in college living off campus. The locals hated the college kids and had assaulted a few at night. One of my acquaintences had been hospitalized and two close friends had been chased.
Here it's night time and I'm heading home with a pint of ice cream. Three punks are coming my way and I can hear them talking about spitting on me.:eek:
All I can think is Oh Sh-t! Then I snapped. I got really pissed. I wound up the grocery bag to make a good handle and I shot my fiercest look into the back of the "leader's" eyes. I was ready for "Ultraviolence." I didn't think of anything but tearing all 3 apart like an animal.
To my suprise they walked out into the street to get around me with their eyes to the ground. I had avoided a fight!
A couple of basics are as follows:

1. Never show fear. An assailant wants a victim. Show them confidence.
2. Know your surroundings. Be aware of what is around you.
3. Run away if you can.
4. If you can't run, you're outnumbered, and it's coming down, then use a weapon( refer to # 2). Anything will help( trash cover, belt, etc. Just watch Jackie Chan!)

Hopefully you never need to fight. As the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu said "To win without fighting is best." For more kung fu Philosophy check out "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. It's a good read for martial artists of all styles.

Peace Out!
Never show fear. An assailant wants a victim. Show them confidence

Yup, show them your not affraid!!

My kenpo instructor is always telling us, "You have to breathe, relax, then act".

For the most part, i'd have to agree with what mantis leg posted.

In all seriousness, however, I'd hope I could get a signal on my cell phone, and I'd call the police.

Even if I couldn't get a signal, I'd tell THEM I had called the police and that they'd be meeting us at the next stop. Intimidation is a worthy strategy in many situations. Talk to them, keep them distracted, play with their minds and let them know this isn't going to work.

Always be aware of your surroundings. know where you are, know where the exits are, and know what you have and what is at hand that can be used as a weapon.

I'd try to find the nearest exit and get to a well populated area as soon as possible.

Standard startegy for me when fighting more than one person is to try to get them between each other. If you feel threatened, if you believe that it is their intent to do you bodily harm, then take one out as quickly as possible so that you have only one to deal with.

Key to this though, is to try not to get into situations like this in the first place. Always be aware. Show from your posture and eye contact that you are not a victim. Most of the time people like those in described are looking for any easy mark, and will find someone else to make their target. be prepared in case they don't though.
If there was no way out of it and the fight was on I would go for their knees if they can not stand they can not fight and they can not chase you.A good kick to the side or the front of someone's knee has an amazing effect on their ability to continue to fight.I have had to employ this measure on atleast 5 different occassions when I worked as a Security Officer at a local Bar.Since I was a female the drunk guys would think that I was an easy target and not much competition for them.They quickly found out differently when they were in the back of an ambulanced handcuffed to the gurney under arrest for assault and battery.
If the leader is near you , take him out. But if not take the nearest out, and do a demenstration on him. And make sure they see your ready for them, when you rfinished with him. But it's alot of mentallity.

But this is just thought. I really depends on how things are. Are you drunk? Are there other people in the wagon, when's the next station. Can they get around you? What about weapons?

But if it's a basic situation, break off the first guys arm, and use the stump to hit the other guy in the head .......
(just joking......)

Another situation is that you see these guys come in, and then they notice that they don't want to offend you, so they start picking off on somebody else. Would you go over and stop them?

Yes I would intervene.One of the tenets of Tae Kwon - Do is "I will be a champion of Freedom and Justice" In that tenet it means that we help the weak defend themselves from the strong.Plus it is just basic human courtesy.Could anyone actually stand by and watch someone else get attacked?I know I could not.Plus if you just stand by and allow it to happen you are no better than the thugs that are doing the mugging or assaulting.
Very good question! Being alone on the subway with 3 guys borading and thinking of me as a prey would be typical potential violent situation. Yet, if they do not approach, then i do nothing but sit and wait. If one approaches; i would try to give a friendly gesture, a smile and hello. This way i can watch him for specific body language. If this one speaks back and goes along his way. His possible intent could be changed with enough communication. He may not be the leader. Though he may be the scout for the group. His perception of you will determine whether the group strikes or not. There will usually be a signal that he will relay back to the other two, such as touching his nose, nodding back toward them or a simple turn of the head to make eye contact with the others! If the guy decides not to give go for what ever reason, a typical head shake is very common. Now if they decide to go for it, and start to approach together, i will ask to speak to the scout first and watch his reaction. I would then begin gradually increasing the distance between myself and them to get the lead attacker to make a move. Once he makes his move, i would brutally wound him for the other's to see. Put out an eye or both eyes, bite and tear his ear off, and/or fracture the lead attacker's treachea and larynx to cause suffocation; i was also trained to bite out the treachea and larynx. This will buy me time until i can increase my distance between the remaining two. This would also direct the attention to the brutally even possibly fatally injured member! I would then wait for the other two and take out another using similar strategy within the element of surprise! By this time the subway should be close to the next stop or stopping. Then i would notify the transit police when i reached a relatively safe area. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Or you could try my approach, get a real pained look on your face, grunt real hard, and.......................:fart:

They'll leave ya alone then....:rofl: :rofl:

Good question and I can see there are some various "do it this way" and similar "do it this way" answers. I will express my opinion of the situation and a probable "do it this way" that I might take.

What surprises me is that almost everyone's answer involves taking out a single person at a time. In this type of scenario that is going to be very unlikely since I am sure all three guys will attack as one.

First thing that I would be doing is recognizing the situation and looking for escape routes. Possibly move to a different subway car if possible. I would honestly take my chances of getting off the next stop instead of staying on subway. More chances to run, hide, find weapons and seek help.

I read that some posters mention throwing feces or acting a bit on the gaseous side. That is a good thought but exactly when are you going to have time to drop your pants when they attack you? Acting a bit crazy would seem a bit more appropriate, such as doing a "Rain Man" however depending on how well you are dressed and their "first impression" of you, you might not be able to make that work.

I would definitely stay close to the walls, rails and floor. (Always moving!) Thus not giving them any chance to surround me and take me off balance. I would also definitely be using my voice. Talking to them and trying to communicate which might help defuse the situation.

When and if physical confrontation is met, I would be attacking back using bone breaking techniques, eye attacks, throat attacks and other soft vunerable spots. If any weapons are available, I would be using those as hard as I could. Doing all this at the same time, moving towards the doors or positioning myself to a point where I know that I can make a run for it when the time comes.

That is pretty much all that I can think of that I might possibly do but keep in mind, thinking about it and doing it are two different animals.

Train hard and have fun,

Originally posted by Deaf

Good question and I can see there are some various "do it this way" and similar "do it this way" answers. I will express my opinion of the situation and a probable "do it this way" that I might take.

What surprises me is that almost everyone's answer involves taking out a single person at a time. In this type of scenario that is going to be very unlikely since I am sure all three guys will attack as one.

First thing that I would be doing is recognizing the situation and looking for escape routes. Possibly move to a different subway car if possible. I would honestly take my chances of getting off the next stop instead of staying on subway. More chances to run, hide, find weapons and seek help.

I read that some posters mention throwing feces or acting a bit on the gaseous side. That is a good thought but exactly when are you going to have time to drop your pants when they attack you? Acting a bit crazy would seem a bit more appropriate, such as doing a "Rain Man" however depending on how well you are dressed and their "first impression" of you, you might not be able to make that work.

I would definitely stay close to the walls, rails and floor. (Always moving!) Thus not giving them any chance to surround me and take me off balance. I would also definitely be using my voice. Talking to them and trying to communicate which might help defuse the situation.

When and if physical confrontation is met, I would be attacking back using bone breaking techniques, eye attacks, throat attacks and other soft vunerable spots. If any weapons are available, I would be using those as hard as I could. Doing all this at the same time, moving towards the doors or positioning myself to a point where I know that I can make a run for it when the time comes.

That is pretty much all that I can think of that I might possibly do but keep in mind, thinking about it and doing it are two different animals.

Train hard and have fun,

Fact is from street combat experience; one will always stay back a bit to make sure you do not get away some how in the opposite direction. Once you are cornered; only then will all three attack. I had a confrontation with 14 guys at once. The setting was in the open and i had more room than in the previous situation. Yet, there will always be one guy who will take the lead no matter if it's three or twenty-three. This is the one who get's the others into the flow of assualting. I thank God for the lead man, because i would have been in a body bag. The lead man took all the defensive brutality and was left bleeding, screaming and seriously injured on the pavement. They do take care of their wounded. Yes, they are as stupid as you think they are. That is the whole point of a small or large gang. They have no set pattern of rules that they apply in attack. It's follow the lead and improvise! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Well, everyone has thier own way of handling it. It all depends on

A)What's readily availible to defend oneself
B) How big these three are compared to one self
C) Are they armed
D) How bad a day/night one was having

Myself, when we use to have the 'gang' fights in class, I always went for the biggest one first. Not the smartes, but I figured if I can take out the biggest, the others would stopped and think it over.
Interesting, first of all after evaluating a possible escape route, Iwould make sure I am not trapped or surronded then ask them what they wanted in the most non threatening way. If they want your wallet give it to them it is no worth it to fight over material things in a 3 against 1 situation. If attacked since you described a subway car which is narrow the attacks could only come linear with 1 attacker at a time. It would be difficult for them to surrond you without you retreating to avoid this happening. Then strike hard, fast and as brutal as you can at whatever get near you first then run like hell, they would most likely help their injured comrad first. If they have a gun, give them what they want. At least with a blade there is a reasonable chance for defense in that senario. In an open area there is less chance to avoid being surronded. Remember CHICKEN-RUN-DO is an excellent form of self preservation.