Human Weapon - Kung Fu

What show is this? I must see it! What's the premise? Is a different art showcased each episode or something? Thanks.

The Human Weapon on the Histroy Cannel....
"With my powerful legs and size, I think this technique is really good for me..."

Is that line (or some similar version) a requirement in Duff's contract?...

Ya never know...Possibly...
What show is this? I must see it! What's the premise? Is a different art showcased each episode or something? Thanks.

Yes, as Drac stated, it is airing on The History Channel and it is a different art or fighting system each new episode. Normally this show airs on Friday nights. So far they have aired: Muay Tai, Marines, Judo, Krav Maga, Karate, Kung Fu, Savate, MMA, Escrima and Pankration

... any that I missed, I think may be one or two?
Seems like the schedule is a bit weird...unless they just started the new season.

I thought this was one of the more interesting episodes, definately one of the more well rounded, between the physical and mental aspects of the arts...but I would have loved to have seen more techniques. They seemed to skimp on the techniques that were actually taught. I was surprised how quick they got off of the high round kick topic too.

Definately think that the top student was taking it easy on this one.
Seems like the schedule is a bit weird...unless they just started the new season.

I thought this was one of the more interesting episodes, definately one of the more well rounded, between the physical and mental aspects of the arts...but I would have loved to have seen more techniques. They seemed to skimp on the techniques that were actually taught. I was surprised how quick they got off of the high round kick topic too.

Definately think that the top student was taking it easy on this one.
The schedule is really weird... They'll run a few episodes, then skip for a week or two. In fact, I thought it was pulled, until the kung fu episode showed up. I know they recently filmed another episode in Japan, on the Bujinkan.
Anyone watch tonight's episode?
Your thoughts?

I swear if I hear them say 1 more time "secret techniques" imma scream!!

Agreed I have had my fill of "secret techniques" if it’s a secret why are they showing it on TV? I liked the demos in the beginning (that is where I saw the Sanda guy I thought they were going to fight) The Wing Chun sifu on the wall was rather impressive. I think he has a school in Beijing too, I need to check that out someday.

Overall I liked the episode even though it got a bit ridiculous at times, at least to me, they were not training anything long enough for it to be of much use IMO and I was a little disappointed. I thought they were going to fight the first Sanda guy not the 18 year old form Shaolin but it was a nice fight.

the police training..

That's the Sanda my Sanda sifu knows :EG:
"With my powerful legs and size, I think this technique is really good for me..."

Is that line (or some similar version) a requirement in Duff's contract?

Though I guess it could be the start of a drinking game...
Some friends and I have already started one. Every time Bill says something to the effect that his superior size and strength should give him the advantage, we down a shot. Then whenever he's proven wrong, we down another. Gets to be a pretty lively group by the end of the hour.

Of course the Marine Corps Martial Arts episode left us dry. Wonder why...
I musta missed that one..I better check my DVR...

My DVR missed the Kung Fu episode. I looked ahead in the programming to find that it will record it next week some time.
Some friends and I have already started one. Every time Bill says something to the effect that his superior size and strength should give him the advantage, we down a shot. Then whenever he's proven wrong, we down another. Gets to be a pretty lively group by the end of the hour.

Of course the Marine Corps Martial Arts episode left us dry. Wonder why...

Because the worst Marine on his worst day would destroy poor Bill on his best day is why.
Well we should give him credit, he IS doing the show. I mean it can't be easy, as opposed to siting on a sofa watching him. But yes, the Duffster does make me laugh.
Every week I look for Bill to embarass americans in some sort of fashion.
And I am too tired of his so called stating of his "superior strength" claim throughout every episode.
Yeah he IS doing the show but every village idiot is STILL considered a village idiot even if gets 15 minutes of fame.

Thanks Xue
Wing Chun on the great wall - Wang Zhi Peng

I thought that guy looked familiar

I have never meant him but in my research of CMA in Beijing I came across this site and I was wondering about it.

Wow! When you look at the prices and convert them to US Dollars you see how relatively cheap it is (if converting to US dollars.) It makes u think about doing a little traveling to learn.
Wow! When you look at the prices and convert them to US Dollars you see how relatively cheap it is (if converting to US dollars.) It makes u think about doing a little traveling to learn.

By Chinese standards he is expensiev and only 2 days week in Beijing but apparently he teaches at the great Wall the rest of the week.

A lot of the Chinese that train MA in Beijing train 5 to 7 days a week,

But you are right by our standards he is cheap. But I am not sure of he speaks English or not, my guess is not.

But seeing that has made me think about checking out his school the next time I am in Beijing,

Thanks, I like that clip :) :EG:
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This episode was HORRIBLE!!!! How can anyone have liked it that does Chinese Marital Arts?
This episode was HORRIBLE!!!! How can anyone have liked it that does Chinese Marital Arts?

Well to be honest they were in Beijing and at the Great Wall and I would like to be there myself. I just like China, I don't really care if they were there fighting an 18 year old Sanda guy or not. I was watching the background
AT least ya didn't hear any of that Superior Strenght crapola...

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