Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan - Still a Hero, or a Zero?

  • Yes - He still can contribute in the ring

  • Yes - As a spokeman, but not in the ring

  • No - His times up

  • No - Game over man...Shoulda quit years ago when it mattered

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Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Once considered by many to be a leading figure, is his time over, or does the "Hulkster" still have a roll to play in Sports Entertainment and as a roll model?
Personally, I can't stand him. Ego and all. Always was a Flair/Horseman mark. :)
I always liked watching Saturday night wrestling. Even better when the Hulkster was on. Fun to watch, just turn the volume down so I didn't have to listen to him.

I haven't watched wrestling in years, is he still in the ring?

I thought old wrestlers went into politics!
Last I heard, he was trying to start his own group, as none of the existing fed want to let him in. That whole "must win all the time" bit, and the ego. Theres been several stories on, but I get tired of weeding thru the 20-30 pop up ads -PER- page they spit at ya to dig much.
I really thought by now he would have retired. It was along time ago that I watched Portland Wrestling. He was always a big draw. People loved to watch him.
He never seemed to get the idea that for someone of his level, it was time to pass the torch, and move on. Like so many others, he held on too long, and damaged his legacy.

Maybe sometime, he'll return in a more appropriate role, and again be the hero he was.

For now, no one really cares...and thats sad, because love him or not, he did do good for the industry.
True Statement. He would make a good figure head for the wrestling community. Maybe come back as a promoter?

I must be bored talking about Hogan at this hour.
Personally, I don't watch rasslin'. However, since everybody is jabberin' about Hogan, I thought I'd throw this out: I went to the same high school as Hogan. Albeit, close to 30 years apart. The school is a hell hole, by the way.

He wants to promote, but he's run into problems.

most of the guys who'll work with him are either his cronies, or the "problem" guys that no one wants. Add the economic issues, and such, and he's not doing too well at this point.

I know what ya mean. :)
I'm not much of an expert on pro wrestling whats left? Trainer, ref, or govener of some poor unsuspecting state.
President. Hey, 1 actor already made it in.....:rofl:
I said "state" not all of them. That is a pretty scary thought.
However, gotta win all the time attitude might not be to bad right now.
Originally posted by DWright
True Statement. He would make a good figure head for the wrestling community. Maybe come back as a promoter?

Or a governor.

I saw him walking by in an airport once.
Terry needs to retire... He could always go back to posing with the girls of OUI magazine... :D

What ever happened to the true greats, Wahoo McDaniel, the Garvins, the Great Kabuki, Kamala, the Missing Link... all of those guys.:samurai:
Kabuki I believe retired a while back.
Wahoo works in the office (I think) for the WWF
Terry Garvin was a corporate piliot in Florida last I heard.

No clue on Missing Link, Kamala or Ron Garvin.
well im a big hogan fan from back when he made it big in the wwf as far as the new hollywood hogan act and the whole bad plubicity about him came from WCW which was doomed from the begining... from an interview he gave he seems to be wanting to do a turn around like he did the last days of wcw where he goes back to being a babyface and the passing the tourch to someone else... and of course the man is loaded hes only still there cause he loves doing it lol... as far as kamala i know he is still wrestling he was in the gimick battle royal last year at wrestlemania and i think he is doing the small time independant stuff like king kong bundy is... dont know about the other guys
Hogan said in a recent interview he wants to be known as the 'Babe Ruth" of wrestling.

Personally, I hope he quits before he completely destroys his legacy.

Link to the article is somewhere on that pop-up ad hell, known as (expect like 20+ popups per page, man they suck.)

Not to sound like too much of an ***, but the use of the word
"Hero" is a bit strong. I have no idea who said this, but it was
said ... "A hero is someone who knows full well that death
is a certainty in order to help someone, yet still helps"

I concurr with that statement. I like Hulk, he's a fantastic
entertainer .. definitely "The Babe Ruth Of Wrestling", and
a pioneer in his field. He's even used his fame and raised
hellatious amounts of money for philanthropic ventures. He's
a great man, and great wrestler. Just not a hero.
Hogan never had any wrestling moves except the leg drop. BUT he had carisma He could always get a crowd going for some reason. ME I never lked his act.
4 Hoursemen, and ECW wrestling. Flair put on some of the best shows ever I can remember some of his matches going well over an hour That was endurence.
Hogan should have retired many years ago, he is liveing off past glory