Howard Jackson


Orange Belt
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
On Tuesday march 7, Former #1 ranked tournament fighter, the 1st light weight and the 1st African American to hold that title, And a world kickboxing champion, And a professional boxer. Howard Jackson passed away from cancer. Howard was one of the nicest people in karate, and a great teacher, For the last few years Howard worked as a personal assistant to Chuck Norris.
Howard: You will be missed.

jukado1/Bob Rosenbaum
RIP Mr. Jackson. You were a trailblazer & a class act!:asian:
Mr. Jackson was the very definition of a class act.



Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
I personally knew Howard and he was a friend. I fought him twice, both times getting my butt handed to me and yet he was gracious enough to always tell me that it was my mentioning him in an article as someone to watch that gave him confidence. When people ask me how good Howard was I always tell them that Howard was so quick off the line that he was the only one who could get inside of Bill Wallace's chamber. Yes, he was that fast.

Howard was also a gentleman to the max. Inside the fighter was a person you could easily love. I loved him as a brother, a friend, and a fellow warrior. He referred to me as his brother of a different mother. I mourn his passing but at the same time feel blessed having known him.

Dan Anderson
It is with great shock and sadness that we hear about the untimely passing of the Great Howard Jackson. Personally, I have always been a great fan of his, and this is a huge loss to all in the martial arts community. On behalf of Modern Frang Mu Sul® International, I would like to extend our prayers and deep condolences to Mr. Jackson’s family and friends. God Bless.

Grand Master Michael De Alba
Modern Frang Mu Sul® International
San Francisco, Ca.

"Bob Wall: Dear World Black Belt Members,

We have lost one of the greatest Martial Artists of all time with the untimely passing of the incomparable Howard Jackson on Tuesday March 7, 2006 at 11:00AM.

Howard was a dear, treasured friend to me and many martial artists worldwide and he will be often remembered and never forgotten.

Howard's family along with his fiance Sharon will announce a memorial for Howard in a few days to be held in Los Angeles in approximately two weeks. God Bless Sharon, his children Howard Jr., Jeromy and Amber and his grandchildren.

Love & Respect,
Bob Wall"
~Mod. Note:
~Thread moved to the Hall of Rememberances
~G Ketchmark / shesulsa, MT Senior Mod.
Wow that sucks that he is no longer around I think he was still a young guy. But wasn't he one of Chuck's guys.
Yes, he was a student of GM Norris.

As a young man learning the martial arts, he was a hero of mine. A man with terrific skills and by all accounts, full of humility.

My prayers are with him and his family.

I personally knew Howard and he was a friend. I fought him twice, both times getting my butt handed to me and yet he was gracious enough to always tell me that it was my mentioning him in an article as someone to watch that gave him confidence. When people ask me how good Howard was I always tell them that Howard was so quick off the line that he was the only one who could get inside of Bill Wallace's chamber. Yes, he was that fast.

Howard was also a gentleman to the max. Inside the fighter was a person you could easily love. I loved him as a brother, a friend, and a fellow warrior. He referred to me as his brother of a different mother. I mourn his passing but at the same time feel blessed having known him.

Dan Anderson

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