How much of your primary sacred writings have you read?

How much of your religion's main sacred writings have you read?

  • Select / prescribed verses only.

  • 0-25%

  • 26-50%

  • 51-75%

  • 76-100%

  • Read it all the way through once.

  • Have read it completely and repeatedly.

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Senior Master
Oct 25, 2002
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MA-Caver said:
Riddle: Why do the elderly seem to really get into reading the bible?
They're studying for their final exam. :D

Heh. While I know this was tongue-in-cheek and all. . . .

I think I should point out that the idea that people become more "religious" as they grow older is something of a myth. All the research I've seen indicates that people are no more "religious" when they are older than when they were younger.

For most people, their degree of religiosity (or lack thereof) seems to be pretty stable over the course of their lifetimes.



Black Belt
Nov 24, 2005
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MA-Caver said:
Even read a few chapters in the Black Bible (aka Satantic Bible) to further broaden my perspective... that was only once and haven't gone back to it since... the book made me feel creeped out pretty bad.
MA-C, this is an extremely commendable approach and pragmatic outlook. Not only do you read the texts of your own faith or according to your own beliefs but you've also made a point of reading those which may be contrary to your own views. If only everyone had this openness to researching other beliefs, perhaps we'd not see as much of the acts of bigotry and sectarianism on the news. Far too much of that and I think it's brought about by an insularism in beliefs that you've drawn attention to exactly because of your lack of it. Bravo to you for your post.


Brother John

Senior Master
Jan 13, 2002
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Wichita Kansas, USA
I've read through the Bible cover to cover, once in King James, Once in NIV and once in the NASB.
I've also read through a good deal of the Talmud, the entire Sephir Yetzirah, the Zohar (That's a DEEP well) and a chunk of the Bahir.......oh yeah, I also read the Guide to the Perplexed.
I've read the Tao te Ching and the Baghavadgita as well. (that one was a little difficult to dig through....just very different thought patterns than you find in the west. Made me stretch though.)

ALSO: If anyone is interested, the Joseph Campbell came out with some REALLY good books studying the different mythos of the world called "The Faces of God" series. I read them and I highly recomend them.

Your Brother

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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Select and Prescribed writings.

Why I have not completed my living yet, so I have no way to place a percentage on how much I have read. ;)

Ihave read through both the old and new testaments, as well as the Koran (* English, which I know is not the correct way of doing it *), as well as some other philosphies.



Blue Belt
May 21, 2006
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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wow, cool thread.

The Bible (my dad was a Methodist Minister)

I've also found great wisdom in a compilation Paul Reps edited "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones" There's some really great stuff in there. My oldest son wore mine out and had to buy another, wore that one out and bought another. When my students ask be about zen, that's what I tell them to read first.

Tao Te Ching (after Zen Flesh, Zen Bones)

I also find myself moved spiritually by great philosophers and/or theologins ... no, really, I do. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Augustine. The Dialogues are fantastic, the Republic fascinating ... and I can't remember whether it was Plato or Socrates who said our purpose in life is to improve our souls. Socrates, I think ... it sounds like him.

It could be that I'm moved by wisdom more than religious practices.

Shai Hulud

Purple Belt
Nov 5, 2014
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St. Petersburg
I've gone through the King James version of the Holy Bible, and the Orthodox Study Bible twice cover-to-cover. On top of that I've read through the Philokalia and a copy of St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises upon recommendation for a friend.

Aquinas' Summa Theologica sounds cool, but I'm afraid I just wouldn't be able to commit to a text that lengthy.


Green Belt
Nov 14, 2014
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Select/ prescribed only

I read something from the Tao Te Ching and/or the Dhammapada everyday. Usually read from the art of war regularly as well, but I don't have a copy right now. I always end up giving those books away, whenever I cross paths with someone that seems like they might need them, so sometimes I just end up not having them for long periods of time. Have read all or part of quite a few other books related to Buddhism and Taoism, but I'm sure there are even more I've never heard of, and I really have no way of knowing whether my grasp of those concepts is accurate in any way.

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