How many Whip enthusiests are out there!?


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...

How many of you guys like to play with whips? What is it you like about them?

What kind do you have?

Let's have an educated discussion about the western whip.

I included neat info on the western whip, Sjambok, and other soft weapons this weeks E-zine on my site below...check it out and lets talk whips!

:whip: :whip1: :ultracool
I only use whips to settle domestic/marital problems.The key is to use real leather bullwhip.If you use a man made material,they never appreciate it.
Sorry, all I can think is:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me!"

Yo ho!

I’ve been a whip enthusiast since I first saw Indiana Jones as a kid. Received my first latigo whip when I was 8, went through quite a few junior models over a decade and a half, then about two years ago, decided to lay out some cash for a few professional models.

I have a 10' Australian long handled whip by Terry Jacka, an 8' nylon whip by Krist King, and my favorite - an 8' 12 plait, kangaroo hide "American Style" bull whip by Mike Murphy. While we’re at it, I also train with a Cold Steel sjambok and a 3’ Cossack whip.
My infatuation for whips has gone back to way before Indiana jones........

I used to think(from watching tv) that getting hit with a whip could NOT possibley hurt.So I played with them a bit.....
And Damn.....was I wrong!
I actually took one across the face from ear,round the bridge of the nose,to ear.(ALL teenage related
That was a whole new definition in pain!
I couldn't move..........I have NEVER felt anything like it in my life,before or since.
SO....I decided 2 things....
1) I was going to,respectfully,learn all I could about the handling of a whip(which I no longer own one..but am in the market)
2) the only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of pain from a whip.
But in all honesty...learning how to "handle" a slightly different from "fighting" with one..
That I am looking to learn............
I actually just finished teaching a lesson in the American Swivel Handle ;) I've used whips for about ten years now and what fun! Currenlty I "train" in the DeLongis rolling method. I've found it to be more precise and effortless then my previous work. I was privilaged to have a lesson a few years back with Karen Quest, teacher to Jon Conway, author of "The Bullwhip Book". I've spoken several times to Mr. Allen about the whip, and have an an autograhped and CUT picture by Rober Dante, who is in the GBWR for 203 cracks in a minute. I don't go for the aussie whips, I'm a latigo man. I find the heavy "unwieldy" whips to be fine if you know what your doing, and besides..they're American!
Here's a good question that I have come accross recently that I only have limited answers too...

What is the best quality whip one could buy in the 60 to 80 dollar range?

I am sure some of you whip enthusiests out there can come up with a link for me or something!

Tulisan said:
Here's a good question that I have come accross recently that I only have limited answers too...

What is the best quality whip one could buy in the 60 to 80 dollar range?

I am sure some of you whip enthusiests out there can come up with a link for me or something!


I am also anxious to see the answer to this. I have been looking to at purchasing a whip.
Rob Broad said:
I am also anxious to see the answer to this. I have been looking to at purchasing a whip.

On my site, I have a link to "Dube'" company that sells cheap 6 footers for 60 buck plus shipping. I've heard that they were o.k. for starters. However...

My question is on the Dube's...

will they stand a few hundred pounds of pressure for Garroting, or tugging if grabbed or wrapped in a combative circumstance?

Will they crack well, and do some damage if cracked at an assailent (I am talking by itself, w/o modification).

How long will they last? Long enough to get at least a few years of use?

I'd like to find a cheap 60 to 80 dollar whip that fits the above qualifications so that I can refer them to those interested... I have read that the Dube's will fit that standard, however, I haven't gotten confirmation from a live person on this...

Bammx2 - that makes me want to learn whip all the more. Must...get...whip!

Baoquan - that was an intriguing link - and somehow, very Australian. "Now what we're going to do here whip the piss out of each other!" Good people.

ETA: is seems like with the link, they are solely looking at accuracy for strikes, rather than generally striking the other person with the whip. I was wondering why, in the "fight" videos, the men and women just sort of stood relatively solidly straight, and spent more time on distance, and then walking straight in to the other person, cracking the whip.

I'd like to see the same thing, but with less emphasis on accuracy and more on not getting hit in the first place.
Feisty Mouse said:
Bammx2 - that makes me want to learn whip all the more. Must...get...whip!

Baoquan - that was an intriguing link - and somehow, very Australian. "Now what we're going to do here whip the piss out of each other!" Good people.

ETA: is seems like with the link, they are solely looking at accuracy for strikes, rather than generally striking the other person with the whip. I was wondering why, in the "fight" videos, the men and women just sort of stood relatively solidly straight, and spent more time on distance, and then walking straight in to the other person, cracking the whip.

I'd like to see the same thing, but with less emphasis on accuracy and more on not getting hit in the first place.


Apparantly, only head strikes count for points, and they dont try to avoid strikes, because when the tip is travelling at supersonic speeds, you probably aren't going to get out of the way in time. :idunno:

And yeah....very Australian. :whip1:


On the site, it looks like it's not just head shots that count for points, but a spot between the eyes of the opponent. That's some accuracy! But explained to me why there was so much wading in and taking a number of shots, rather than jumping into range and jumping back out again.
You've got me. :idunno: I have no idea what the silly buggers are doing. It occaisionaly reminds me of fencing, especially epee, in which there is no predetermined order of attack...but then again, it also just looks like some nutters in Drizabones, as you said, whipping the piss out of eachother.


Tulisan said:
Here's a good question that I have come accross recently that I only have limited answers too...

What is the best quality whip one could buy in the 60 to 80 dollar range?

I am sure some of you whip enthusiests out there can come up with a link for me or something!

I am and always will be a latigo fan. Mark Allen has the best starter whip out there IMO, his American Swivel Handle. Heavy
From my movie diary:
" The weather has been really nice here in Missoula. So nice I've put in some serious whip time over the past few weeks. I try to do a half hour everyday. I vary between my cracks and wraps using both hands. Getting down the DeLongis rolling style remains a challenge, but it does indeed lend itself well to a martial artist. Working in the out of doors has been great. It also showcases the wonderful qaulities of the American Bullwhip. The fact is Indiana Jones had one. As mentioned in the whip article I've linked a few posts below, if he had a whip in the 1930's ti was most likely along the lines of mine. Heavy and dependable. I've had my tan one for a few years. I've put it through hell and back. I've swung on it, used in in the rain and snow, drug it places it wasn't designed and yet with bi-yearly oilings it keeps on cracking. Bloody wonderful. The swivel is nicely broken in, but even that doesn't detract from it's accuracy.
My favorite target is pasta. Yesterday using my black 10', I cut a normal sized piece of spahgetti five times. A new record for me. Today I did four with my tan one. Using a whip is like anything. The more you do it the better and more natural it becomes. In the words of Mr. DeLongis "You have an eight (ten in my case) finger, just reach out and touch it". One of the questions I get a lot when people here I use a whip is "Did you hit yourself a lot when you were learning?" The answer is no. I've learned the whip is all about trust. I trust the whip to do what I ask. And it does. I'm self taught on the whip. I scoured the internet and books for techniques and descriptions. So I had my base in my mind before I ever picked up a whip. I knew the techniques worked. So I had no reason to not trust my whip. And it did as I asked"

I started with a much cheaper 8', now loaned out to my student, but was unsatisfied. For under $100, you really can't go wrong. He has a nice starter package featuring the whip in either 8' or 6' (I would say go with 8' a good general length. You can do the close cracks, but wrap as well) and his video "Whipcracking Made Easy". You can check it out
I could go on all day!
Awesome, hollywood. Thanks for the link! :ultracool

2 questions though.

What's the Plait # on that,

and, will the latigo withstand a few hundred pounds of pressure for garroting?

Four plait to eight plait. If you break it I'll buy you a new one. I've not managed to do it to mine yet. I've had it since 2000, and you're typing to a man with a Henry Jones Jr. complex. See my post. It's a 'working' whip.