How many techniques?



Please state you are and number of techniques it has

Muay Thai
120 techniques (i think)
Modern Arnis doesn't work that way--we have some fundamental techniques, then you "innovate" endlessly.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
Please state you are and number of techniques it has

Muay Thai
120 techniques (i think)

Doesn't it have 108?

Most dumb it down to about 15-20 anyway.
Yiliquan - infinite... combinations upon combinations upon combinations with nearly endless variations thereof...

Of course, I usually only use about 4 or 5... :D

The way I have always understood it the goal of a technique or form is a lack of form. When you have reached the point where all the techniques have been learned you move beond them and enter a level of skill where you are formless. Your movements become a smooth tranistion threw the most efective motion with out the limits of a specific form.

Despair Bear
#1 Basic Kick Boxing
#2 Throws & Take Downs
#3 Chokes,Arm & Leg Submissons


4 Weapons
It is better to know 5-10 technique extremely well than to know 100 crummy ones. :)

In sparring comps, you need a lot of technique, b/c you can't use true power to devastate your oponents. In real fighting, you just add speed and power to a few technique and they will do the job just find.
Originally posted by Angus
Doesn't it have 108?
Most dumb it down to about 15-20 anyway.

Dumb it down?? HUH?

MT has 15 major techniques and 15 minor techniques. While they vary from camp to camp, most of them are common across all camps.
the 15 major (mae mai) and 15 mnior(luk mai) are among the well known. the other techniques arent used as often. such as jumping on the opponents thigh or the cartwheel.
M. TKD - Too many, but the most common are basic punches like the jab, cross, uppercut and hand techniques like the knife and spear hand, front choke, elbows, etc.

It really doesn't matter how many techniques you know, but how many techniques you can put into good use. Even then, it's not how about how many you can put into good use, but the person who can apply the technique the best.

Say one person knows 100 techniques but doesn't know how to apply them

One person knows 10 techniques and is pretty good with application and setting it up

One person knows 2 moves so well that it is basically all he needs to use.

It's about who can apply a technique the best.

In boxing, there are bouts where the person just jabbed the whole time. The other guy might have a powerful and quick right hook, but what's the point if he gets jabbed the whole time?
Originally posted by RobP
Systema - move, breathe, relax.

That's very good!

If people actually followed those three, they would be so much better.

The concept of self-defense is easy, defend yourself. How? Follow the basic tenets such as moving, hitting, grappling, knowing the environment... Yeah, it's vague, but too many people miss out on the big view and worry about what color belt they have, their tournament record, or how many moves they know, or how many kicks they can throw in a second.
Most muay thai matches I've seen use no more than 20 moves, and that's the professional level. I've only seen fighters use more than the 20 moves in the ring when they need to adapt and approach the problem in a different way.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
.....It really doesn't matter how many techniques you know, but how many techniques you can put into good use. Even then, it's not how about how many you can put into good use, but the person who can apply the technique the best.

Say one person knows 100 techniques but doesn't know how to apply them

One person knows 10 techniques and is pretty good with application and setting it up

One person knows 2 moves so well that it is basically all he needs to use.

It's about who can apply a technique the best.

In boxing, there are bouts where the person just jabbed the whole time. The other guy might have a powerful and quick right hook, but what's the point if he gets jabbed the whole time?

That is the golden truth in MA !!!