How long do you train for???



Just curious. I've been training for almost a year now, and I do about 2 hours a a day at home, and usually 2-3 hours at my Kwoon. I try to go at least 3 times a week, and the rest is home training. I train a maximum of 6 days a week, as I believe the human body needs rest and time to recuperate. When I gain more endurance, time, speed and overall ability, I plan on upping my training time. But I still am a beginner, and I feel that my current schedule works with my other schedules, school, and my current endurance and abilities.

So, how do you train?

I'm down to 4 days a week, 2-2.5 hours a shot, depending on the class. Last year I was hitting 6 to 7 a week, 3-3.5 a shot.
Usually tree times a week, with 2-3 hours each.

The key is not how long you train, but how hard.
I normally get as much class time in as a can, I work at the school so its kind of hard to have the free time to hit every class. I do alot of private lesson work as well. Overall I schedule 4 hours a day 6 days a week. I usually also meet a bunch of my kung fu brothers on sunday and do several hours of chi sao. That daily workout includes forms, fighting, bag work, running, etc.

Running?!? ACK!!!!!!!! That's why I have a set of keys!!! ;)

My workout is conditioning, basics, drills, partner drills, sets & Lion dancing. Pretty much in that order.

There's always room for changes like when we replace conditioning with stance drills on the plum flower posts... fun there. Or partner "drills" with sam sing. Fun things like that, but the routine is pretty much the same.
I do kung fu 3 days a week, 2 hours each day. Kendo once a week for 3 hours. Self-training another day for an hour.

My kung fu training is forms, sparring, conditioning, and iron body (rolling iron bars and striking shot-filled bags). My self-training involves shadowboxing and forms, both with weighted gloves. Kendo is an hour of kata, 1.5 hours of technique drills, and 30 min to an hour of sparring. I usually work myself until at least two limbs are aching until they can't move and I'm totally exhausted. Personally, I don't think I'm doing enough.
I train about 2 to 3 times a week in Shaolin long fist. ON mondays we do Shan Shou and sparring. So I would say i do about 3/4 hours a week class time and I practice a lot of my kicks and punches at home with some aerobic work. I also like to think up sled defence applications using the forms.