how do you suppliment your TKD


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I was wondering how many of you TKD'ers suppliment your training with another Art, why did you choose that particular Art and what has made the biggest impact on your over all TKD skill????
Not another art really, but when I was practicing my self-defense routines, I got impressed by how much leg strength/endurance needs to consistently perform one arm shoulder throws. That got me working on leg exercises like squats, which ultimately has ended up with me swinging kettlebells around. The legwork inspired by those throws has really improved my kicks.
I cross train in Aikido, and it works very well for me. I feel like the two together make for a very good self defense system.
TKDKid said:
I feel like the two together make for a very good self defense system.

Akido and Tae Kwon Do, meant to be a good mix for self defence, I read an article about it on the web or on another forum.
I do Jujitsu. Well, I did a little bit of it in my TSD school, and enjoyed it a lot. So when I met a friend here in NY, and found out her hubby is a 5th dan in Jujitsu, I jumped at the chance to learn it. They both had their own school in CA, and now have one here.

I think TKD and jujitsu work well together. Where each art "lacks" the other picks up. Jujitsu little to no kicks - TKD kicks, ground work in Jujitsu - TKD very little, ect.
I don't think TKD needs to be supplemented with little to anything. However, I do train in both Judo and Jujutsu. Not because I think I need to, but I want to...
Well...given what was said in the otherthread, I guess I suppliment with Hapkido

Thinking of trying a BJJ class taught were my TKD class is taught...
I also practice kumdo, but not as a suppliment with TKD, I had the opportunity to learn from an exellent instructor and wanted to learn a weapon. Sword in particular. That's what was available, so that's where I went. I enjoy it, but it's not my beloved TKD.
I've learned some Hapkido, some Jujitsu according to my instructor. But its pretty basic stuff.

I've supplemented Taekwondo with Ashtanga Yoga. It helps with balance and stretching to be more flexible. I'm fairly flexible but Yoga makes you into spaghetti. It loosens hips and hamstrings so that high kicks are easier. The sun salutations, when you do them for two hours off and on (those are hold pushups-horizontal off the floor before up dog) have discovered muscles in my back which I didn't know existed. I just recently upped my pushups-regular ones-because of Yoga. But two hours is grueling. I only do it once a week now. TW
I enjoy training nearly daily in both kali and taekwondo. My kali instructor is a friend and a taekwondo student. I enjoy discovering the similarities and the flavor of the differences.

I train with some af Patrick MacCarthy's people because he has some interesting explanations of some og the techniques that they have in their kata and we have in our teageuk and poomse. Blocks become armlocks or throws even punches becomes armlocks. Very funny. :ultracool
Escrima! I also attend as many semminars as possible on small button issues, a little PPCT (pressure points) Joint Manipulation, some groundfighting..........nothing to take away from my primary art TKD.
It works quite well for me. I've learned much more than I ever thought I would. The art of Kenpo comliments me and my fighting style very well. I have been able to learn and understand the 4 ranges of contact & I'm quite comfortable with all. I did TKD for just over 5 years with my first instructor and been at Kenpo for over 11 now. I also still teach classes for my first instructor from time to time as we keep a good relationship.

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