How did Ronda Rousey lose?

If she didn't agree with her coach's strategy, she could and should have found another coach. This isn't a team sport where the general manager hires the coach and the players have to play for that coach regardless of whether they agree with the coaching methods or not.

She's the team owner, GM, and everything else. The decisions start and stop with her, and no one else. If it's genuinely a case of her coaching, she can only blame herself for hiring and follow her coach.

Coach: "Don't kick. Don't ever kick. You don't know how to."
Rousey: "Can you teach me."
Coach: "No."
Rousey: "Why not?"
Coach: "Because I said so."
Rousey: "Ok."

A quarterback can blame the coaching staff for implementing a system that has inherent weaknesses; he has no say over who coaches. Rousey can't make the same argument.
I agree she should absolutely fire him he's a boxing coach that's it and not a very good one. A coach who's had his licence suspended. If you read rouseys book you'll see he treated her like dirt when she walked in the gym the reason he's all for her now is her fame. Also I think rousey only stays because he's a yes man and her ego couldn't take someone challenging her. Her skills have never developed she fights the same now as she did in her first fight her KOs have been nothing to write home about just brute force more than technical ability. If she's going to stay with that idiot she deserves to get her head kicked off her shoulders again
There's kicking and then there's kicking.

The ability to throw a kick, such as the head high roundkick that Holly Holm KO'd Rousey with, is one thing to throw in class at a proficiency level, to say, obtain your next belt ranking, but quite another thing to be able to throw, and more importantly, land, in an elite level full contact sport. In order for Ronda to reach that level it would take her years. Ronda doesn't have years, the clock was already ticking when she started in MMA. If I had become her coach when she first started MMA I wouldn't advise her to throw any kicks, either. But I sure would have trained her to deal with them. Think of it this way - another woman grappler in the UFC probably wouldn't have had an advantage over her. But a striker would. As she found out.

I often wonder how her training is going now? I wonder if she's learning to move her head, to take it off her center line? I sure hope so or she's going to run into some more serious problems. If anyone of us were training her next opponent, I'm pretty sure how we would approach it to exploit her weaknesses.
Why did Ronda go into UFC is at the end of the O/P....

All the other stuff she did was great, and it was a good living.

The answer is money. Fighting and dominating in the UFC (for a while, just like any champion, all of them eventually lose as everyone is beatable). Going home, opening a judo school, even if you have the requisite after-school program to keep the lights on, that's merely a "living." Make you feel good, sure. Good for the spirit, and keep you on the mat moving around, laying hands on other like minded folks? Absolutely. Trips to Taahiti in your future? Nope.

The UFC exposure got her paid. And... it got her Hollywood exposure. I think she's been in maybe 3, 4 movies now. Maybe if she's able to ome back, snatch back the title, then retire on top after a successful defense, she can go back to Hollywood and make even more movies.

Without UFC, no movies.
Why did Ronda go into UFC is at the end of the O/P....

All the other stuff she did was great, and it was a good living.

The answer is money. Fighting and dominating in the UFC (for a while, just like any champion, all of them eventually lose as everyone is beatable). Going home, opening a judo school, even if you have the requisite after-school program to keep the lights on, that's merely a "living." Make you feel good, sure. Good for the spirit, and keep you on the mat moving around, laying hands on other like minded folks? Absolutely. Trips to Taahiti in your future? Nope.

The UFC exposure got her paid. And... it got her Hollywood exposure. I think she's been in maybe 3, 4 movies now. Maybe if she's able to ome back, snatch back the title, then retire on top after a successful defense, she can go back to Hollywood and make even more movies.

Without UFC, no movies.

She is going to be the new Dalton in a road house movie.