Honda Commercial


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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If you decide to watch this commercial, it takes a long time to load completely.
If you are a fan of Rube Goldbereg, you won't wnat to miss it.

Please remember as you watch this Honda commercial that absolutely NO
computers were used to generate the movements shown. Also, no
photographic tricks were used either. These parts acted just as you see
in the film (even the tires rolling uphill). Of course it took 606 takes
as it was shot in one fell swoop without stops. Incredible!
That was pretty dang cool.

The walking windshield wipers were kinda freaky, though :)


Wonder what my dad would say if I tried the same thing on his car.....:p

Someone at the ad agency has way too much time on their hands.... and way too many cool toys to play with :D
I love the ad, but watch behind the action. you can see some things that appear to violate Newton's Laws of Motion. Particulaarly the tire and wheel assemblies.

Don't jump on me too hard, being a Ralph Nader supporter makes one a serious skeptic regarding advertising.

I used to race Honda motorcycles. They were nearly bulletproof.
the tires rolled up hill because they had weights placed on the inside to make them do so. They were perfectly balanced, and when hit, rolled in the direction they were hit, and the weights made them continue that motion. We did something similar in science olympiad when I was in high school.
Originally posted by Jill666
Too bad it's a four-cylinder ;)

and what is wrong with a four banger...? My Honda is a four cylinder rice burner...and I enjoy it quite nicely. hehe...poor Farsworth had to ride in it, and the roads around here are not too smooth.
Originally posted by Chronuss
and what is wrong with a four banger...? My Honda is a four cylinder rice burner...and I enjoy it quite nicely. hehe...poor Farsworth had to ride in it, and the roads around here are not too smooth.
plus you canhearit coming from nearly a 1/4 mile away. I keep telling you that it needs a decent exhaust. While, I'm on the subject of your go-kart, how about getting it off the ground?
Originally posted by Chronuss
hehe...poor Farsworth had to ride in it

It wasn't that bad. ;)

But for some reason Adam Sandler's song; Ode to my car comes to mind.:rofl: