Hey Everybody!!!


White Belt
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have been reading the posts on this site for a while now and I finally decided to join so I could post as well! I have gotten a LOT of useful information from you all and my workouts have improved because of it.
I have been doing Muay Thai now for about 6 months and I love it. I wrestled in high school and started doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after I graduated. I received my blue belt and broke my hand in the same class. After it healed I never went back :(. I now have a year left of college and am thinking about competing soon (either MMA or straight Muay Thai). I value my brain (the best thing God gave gave me) and do not want my IQ to drop because I took a few head kicks. We spar with head gear and mouthpieces and I have been fortunate enough to never let anyone hit me too hard in the head. But I'm thinking that it is pretty much unavoidable in the ring with no head gear right? I am fine with taking a hit but incurring any brain damage isn't what I am looking for lol. Any thoughts? I would love any feedback. Thanks everyone!
Welcome, and happy posting!

As far as the head shots go, there are no guarantees - you can get dain bramage from too many shots of medium or light power, or from one really good shot - or you could get hit and land on your head get a serious injury from landing on the floor. Or you could get knocked out repeatedly and have no discernable damage - there's no way to know.
I just been training with Kru Bob Spour (maybe you've heard of him?) and he gave us a really good speech on attitude: "if you think you're going to get hit - you probably will"

Read that as you like, and do what your gut tells you. Personally I agree with him, if you go in positively and thinking that "yeah, I can beat this guy, no problem" then you've got a much better chance than going in worrying about taking a few knocks.

Maybe that's irrisponsible, but who wants to be a grown up anyway???!!!

Welcome to MT! :)

Don't worry about the kicks in the head. First, I understand your concern, but if you're going to worry about it, it'll get in your way. The more you focus on a single thing, the more likely you are to take damage. That's why many arts will tell you "clear mind". However, that said, people that suffer permanent damage from what I've seen are ones that have taken hundreds of head shots. I've been hit by a few and I'm...well, never mind. Bad example, but you'll be find. Enjoy the forum. :)
Hey MuayThaiGuy. Welcome.

I can understand your concerns. We've all met at least one retired boxer stuck with a speech impediment for the rest of his life due to too many rounds in the ring. However, most of the time if you find a retired Muay Thai fighter that struggles with the effects of his experience in the ring, it's going to be problems with his legs rather than his head. I think you'll be okay, but then again, you never know, a freak occurrance is always right around the corner in a game like this.

Good luck.

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