Here goes nothing...


Senior Master
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 1, 2001
Reaction score
I went and made Mozilla my default browser. Crossing my fingers and hope the dang thing keeps working as well as it has been.

Built-in pop-up killer if your friend!

I haven't had any problems with mozilla. I've alternating between that and Opera.
FileZilla is an FTP program that I like also. I hope I am not steering you wrong. But Mozilla has never "Frozen Up" on me, never had a stack dump, and the multiple tabs keep me current. Let me know if you have any questions, but the has a good forum for problems. The "Preferences" give you a lot more control than IE or Netscape.

I need something for my Unix box at work. Is Netscape my only reasonable choice? I have a support person who can help me install it. I have Netscape 4.7 on it now and MartialTalk is slow and doesn't always load pages, Yahoo! occasionally crashes it (java I assume), etc.
I've been using Mozilla for some time now, just not as my default browser. I only use IE when I absolutely have to (Windows Update). Before, I used NS 4.79.

Mozilla still pukes on a couple of sites I frequent, but on a larger scale, it's much quicker than NS 4.x, and far more reliable.

Arnisador, I think they make a Unix flavored Mozillla as well.

Originally posted by arnisador

I need something for my Unix box at work. Is Netscape my only reasonable choice? I have a support person who can help me install it. I have Netscape 4.7 on it now and MartialTalk is slow and doesn't always load pages, Yahoo! occasionally crashes it (java I assume), etc.

LOL! Netscape certainly isn't your only choice, in fact, you can use any browser apart from IE (let's guess why then....oh yeah, Bill can't stand open source sofware! Plus he can't remember how to seperate it from Windows!)

Netscape itself it dead to be honest, it's been superceeded by Mozilla. You can use Mozilla, or Opera for linux ( would be my top choices. After that, there's Konqueror and Galeon which are other big ones, but not as good as Moz or Opera. For text based ones there's lynx, and more recently links, although you maybe don't have a need for ones of those.

Another thing against Mozilla: it's e-mail client doesn't have a spellchecker.

Apparently, the spellchecker included with Netscape is code licensed from someone else by Netscape, which is why it isn't included in Mozilla.

I quote:

"Checking the Spelling:

Unlike Netscape, Mozilla does not come with a spell checker. Since the spell checker that is bundled with Netscape is from another company, and is a closed source project, it cannot be included with Mozilla."

That's the nature of open source; you can't have a program that is partly open source and partly closed source, it goes against the ethos.
