Hello everyone



Hello all my friends here on martial talk.Ive been away do to computer problems.I have got those fixed and and realy glad to be back.......
Welcome back......Good to see some people are actually coming back :D
Yes welcome back.
Don't be bashful jump right in you know the rules and how this forum operates
actually thats how i fixed my prob was updating to xp.And buying a diffrent puter.It had windows 98 on it at first and didnt seem to suport some of the things i needed from my puter.But i upgraded to xp and everything is working very well now i would recomend upgrading...
Originally posted by SteelShadow
actually thats how i fixed my prob was updating to xp.And buying a diffrent puter.It had windows 98 on it at first and didnt seem to suport some of the things i needed from my puter.But i upgraded to xp and everything is working very well now i would recomend upgrading...

XP? You mean Bill Gates' "Spyware". ;)
Get rid of that windows virus and install Linux. And yeah get a mac if you need a fancy paper weight:p :D
Has anybody ever noticed that most folks who get a PC and run Windows seem to talk all the time about screwing around with their PC and Windows, or how their system crashed and it took forever to get things fixed, and us "fancy paperweight," guys spend our time typing, or using Quicken, or or the Net, or doing graphics....?

They're all heartless corporations devoted to capitalism, as far as I'm concerned. Mac just puts out what is in many ways a better appliance....and that's all they are, an appliance. Is the point of an appliance screwing around with the appliance?
Fist of Fury...Linux?! Unless he's running a server or other non-daily functions, Linux is HORRIBLE!!! For a personal computer Linux is about the most unfriendly and inconvenient operating system to use.

No argument about the mac though...well, other than I wouldn't call it fancy.:D
Originally posted by Angus
Fist of Fury...Linux?! Unless he's running a server or other non-daily functions, Linux is HORRIBLE!!! For a personal computer Linux is about the most unfriendly and inconvenient operating system to use.

No argument about the mac though...well, other than I wouldn't call it fancy.:D
Really I use it as a personal computer and have no problems with it. I haven't found it any more unfriendly than windows that is unless you consider a blue screen friendly.I run it on a pc and a notebook. It's not much of a gaming platform but I have a ps2 and x box for that. and I still run windows 2000 but I find myself using linux more.
You're definitely a rare, rare breed then. It wasn't made for personal, everyday computers, and I've never met someone who liked it for that. In my experiene it's been pretty horrible for things other than servers (for which I use it and it's great).
Have you seen the recent editions of redhat 8.0 and suse 8.1? I agree it's not for everyone but it has come along way. Linux definatley shines more on the server end.