Hell has frozen over...

Holy Hot Tamales, Batman! Do you think she'll run for president??? :rolleyes:
Well on that note I think I'm off to stock up on supplies for the coming days.
shesulsa said:
Holy Hot Tamales, Batman! Do you think she'll run for president??? :rolleyes:

I may be forced to vote for a Republican, and that would be just weird.

Blindside said:
I may be forced to vote for a Republican, and that would be just weird.


Oh, I think it's like Sunkist -v- Oceanspray ... it's really the same crap, just a different label.
what? this thread is about hillary clinton?

i thought that girl i asked out when i was 15 had finally gotten around to realizing how sexy i am.

seriously, though, i've heard a few other rumors about hillary impressing the conservatives here and there. is there anybody who actually believes she won't run, either in 08 or in 12?

i'm not convinced i wouldn't vote for her. both she and her husband were solid politicians and got some good things done.
If that ever got into office...remind me to leave the country for 4 years as we get laughed off the world scene. Singapore or Taiwan wouldn't be too bad... I've always wanted to try living in Kyoto also..
Blindside said:
I may be forced to vote for a Republican, and that would be just weird.


In the last election there was one other party, besides the BIG two, that cared enough to spend the time and money to be registered in all 50 states for it's candidates.

You can always pick a non major party to vote for. Do some research and find the party and or person you think best represents your wishes and or desires and then Vote.

And no it is not a waste, for each time the number grows, and sooner or later there will be an upset or the Electoral College will be used to decide, and when that happens the two major parties will have to stop and think about the people and not just what makes them scared and how to make them feel scared about the other major party.
A report was recently published that demonstrated the Rise of FOX News paralleled the rise in Republican Votes throughout the country between 1996 and 2000.

This report estimates that as many 10,000 new votes were added to, or changed to the G.O.P. because of Fox News being widely available in Florida. That is a state in which the final tally was approximately 600 votes in favor of G.W.B.

Further reports show that Karl Rove, prior to G.W.B.'s campaign announcement in 1998, met with Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric and informed him that candidate Bush's policies would be beneficial to the shareholders of G.E.

That an aspiring politician would court the power brokers of the media should not surprise anyone. The unspoken, or un published, quid pro quo should not be unexpected.
beau_safken said:
If that ever got into office...remind me to leave the country for 4 years as we get laughed off the world scene. Singapore or Taiwan wouldn't be too bad... I've always wanted to try living in Kyoto also..

Oh, puh-leeze. Who did you think was the brains behind most of Bill Clinton's presidency? Hilary is a smart lady, and certainly beats that dimbulb Dubya any day of the week.

Besides, the U.S. is long overdue for a female president.
Swordlady said:
Oh, puh-leeze. Who did you think was the brains behind most of Bill Clinton's presidency? Hilary is a smart lady, and certainly beats that dimbulb Dubya any day of the week.

Besides, the U.S. is long overdue for a female president.

The only reason there would be need for a female president is due to the popularity of "Commander in Cheif".

I don't care what gender you are, but unfortunatly most world governments do. I don't know how high our stock would rise with the Middle East, Asia or Africa in that respect. Obviously, thats just an observation but its hard to argue that they aren't the most matriarcial places in the world.

The only thing the US is long overdue for is a person with the balls to change stuff, make the hard decisions and do some financial enema action to get us back on track.
beau_safken said:
The only reason there would be need for a female president is due to the popularity of "Commander in Cheif".

I don't care what gender you are, but unfortunatly most world governments do. I don't know how high our stock would rise with the Middle East, Asia or Africa in that respect. Obviously, thats just an observation but its hard to argue that they aren't the most matriarcial places in the world.

The only thing the US is long overdue for is a person with the balls to change stuff, make the hard decisions and do some financial enema action to get us back on track.

Honestly, our "stock" can't possibly sink any lower - thanks to GW.

And how do you know for sure how other countries would view a female U.S. president? The one we've had for the past six years really has NOT made us look very good.

Maybe I'm reading you the wrong way, but your views *do* appear to be a bit sexist - and I have very little tolerance for male chauvanism.
Swordlady said:
Honestly, our "stock" can't possibly sink any lower - thanks to GW.

And how do you know for sure how other countries would view a female U.S. president? The one we've had for the past six years really has NOT made us look very good.

Maybe I'm reading you the wrong way, but your views *do* appear to be a bit sexist - and I have very little tolerance for male chauvanism.

Point #1: True, just a change of pace would be a good idea.

Point #2: Read the Koron, social structures of most Asian countries(with exceptions obviously), and other countries with traditional values. It's gonna be a hard road to walk to crack that egg. Please try and convince me that places like Bhurma, Thailand, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Egypt, etc...would elect a woman to power?

Point #3: Honestly, I could care less. I don't care what heat your packing, as long as you do the job its all good.
beau_safken said:
Point #2: Read the Koron, social structures of most Asian countries(with exceptions obviously), and other countries with traditional values. It's gonna be a hard road to walk to crack that egg. Please try and convince me that places like Bhurma, Thailand, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Egypt, etc...would elect a woman to power? Why?

*sigh* You kinda missed the point (yes, I *have* read sections of the Koran and own an English translation). I am well aware of how patriarchal other countries are. Does that mean the U.S. should *never* elect a female president, just to save face with the other countries we deal with?
Commander in Chief has been cancelled, which kind of means it is not very popular, right?

Democratic Nations throughout the world have elected female heads of state for decades. In fact, the case can be made that we have had a female in the number 2 position for 10 years (Albright and Rice).

It seems kind of, oh, childlish, to just rule out half of the population for positions of leadership based on gender. It seems ever further foolish to disregard this population to satisfy the prejudices of minor countries in far off places.
