Head lock escape

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
If someone gets you into a head lock like this, what's the best way to get out of it?

It's unfortunate that physical requirements for several uniformed occupations have been lowered to allow females (and males) to be exposed to situations they are not capable of handling. Standards were put there for a reason. Had the officer in the photo possessed decent physical abilities, her partner probably would not have had to shoot her assailant. In this case, she could have countered with a strong squeeze to the testicles or perhaps rake the eyes (if her arm was long enough). Even women will tell you, "Size matters." To ignore such obvious truths is folly and unfair to all.
Strike the groin, attack the wrist.
This may only work if your opponent only uses one arm to lock your head (as shown in the pic).

1. right hand pushes on his left upper arm.
2. left hand push on his chest.
3. pull her head back at the same time.

I have used 1, 3 (without 2) successful many times.

If she uses right under hook (under his left shoulder) with

- right leg spring on his left leg, or
- right leg break on his right leg, or
- hip throw,

can also be a perfect take down.
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Prop the knee roll on to the ground in a top position. Work out from there. Especially if you have that body weight disparity.

The danger is if they turn that headlock in to a bulldog choke.

Here we go. The old rolly polly. With a bit of dagastani hand cuff thrown in for good measure.

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personally I love reaching up with the right hand, down to the leg with the left hand, and with a little hip rotation dropping them to the ground with myself in side control set up perfect for an arm bar or knee on belly to go to mount and take them to pound town. I've never tried this on concrete but it works great when sparring/rolling.
My go to is to reach over their head, hand over face while getting my legs under me, then just stand straight up while pushing their face back. There's a bunch of good follow ups and tweaks to that basic start. On a good day I can get some rotation and end up with them going down backwards, I drop with them and they end up with their back bent over my knee while my elbow or forearm is pressing the throat.
My go to is to reach over their head, hand over face while getting my legs under me, then just stand straight up while pushing their face back. There's a bunch of good follow ups and tweaks to that basic start. On a good day I can get some rotation and end up with them going down backwards, I drop with them and they end up with their back bent over my knee while my elbow or forearm is pressing the throat.
I like that one as well.
That's why I believe it's better to loosen up that head lock pressure first. You can turn his head lock into your shoulder lock. The under hook is an excellent counter for head lock.

It is a case of you messed up a long time ago. If you are in that position.
It is a case of you messed up a long time ago. If you are in that position.
Everything is relative and not absolute.

A: You are not a good wrestler if you can't put a head lock on your opponent. Also, you can't be a good wrestler if your opponent can get a head lock on you.
B: The 1st part of what you have said contradict to the 2nd part of what you have said.
Looks to me like she has a whole belt full of fun toys, and two free hands with which to use them.
What’s the point of toys if you don’t play with them? 😂
Prop the knee roll on to the ground in a top position. Work out from there. Especially if you have that body weight disparity.

The danger is if they turn that headlock in to a bulldog choke.

Here we go. The old rolly polly. With a bit of dagastani hand cuff thrown in for good measure.

Prop the knee roll on to the ground in a top position. Work out from there. Especially if you have that body weight disparity.

The danger is if they turn that headlock in to a bulldog choke.

Here we go. The old rolly polly. With a bit of dagastani hand cuff thrown in for good measure.

I was taught a variation of the one Kesting is doing in his video. Instead of sitting down on your hip, you shoot you arm and leg through his legs. I always found it easier and quicker against bigger people. Easier to get your leg over him to set up the armbar, too.
Move their hips away from you (eg groin strike followed by framing), tuck your chin and turn your head out
IMO, groin strike may not work well in this situation. One time I got someone in head lock. He attacked my groin. I twisted my body and took him down.

Your groin strike may take some time to deliver pain, but your opponent's take down can happen much faster than that.

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IMO, groin strike may not work well in this situation. One time I got someone in head lock. He attacked my groin. I twisted my body and took him down.

Your groin strike may take some time to deliver pain, but your opponent's take down can happen much faster than that.

I’m not saying that I disagree with you, but I haven’t run into this problem yet.
IMO, groin strike may not work well in this situation. One time I got someone in head lock. He attacked my groin. I twisted my body and took him down.

Your groin strike may take some time to deliver pain, but your opponent's take down can happen much faster than that.

The key point is not the pain, but the pushing back of their hips
This prevents their ability to take you down
Prophylactic ear removal and liberal application of Vaseline to ones head before one leaves the house is useful too.