Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
@Xue Sheng, when we have a fear of an unknown, the outcome will be the same whether we fear it or not, yes? I wonder is time spent fearing a future unknown thing time missed doing some thing more beneficial in the right here and right now? Does being close to the ideal of mushin permit us to leave that worry and fear? Do you think with sufficient diligence we can make it such that we do not even tough that worry and fear and but refuse it altogether rather than having to work to get rid of it?? Thank you again XS ļ Jxx
when we have a fear of an unknown, the outcome will be the same whether we fear it or not, yes?
Yes and no. The outcome of the issue you are fearing will be the outcome if you fear it or not, but the outcome as it applies to your health can be effected by the fear and stress, and without that you are likely belter off
I wonder is time spent fearing a future unknown thing time missed doing something more beneficial in the right here and right now?
Mindfulness is always more beneficial IMO and I have to remind myself of that from time to time
Does being close to the ideal of mushin permit us to leave that worry and fear?
I believe a Buddhist will tell you yes. I would say yes and no, it just helps you understand better, what it is, where it comes from, etc. But IMO without fear you cannot know calmness.
However you may no longer worry about it since there is nothing that you can truly do about it.
I have said for a long time, that if something is bothering you and you can do something about it, then do it and there is nothing to worry about. If you canāt do anything about it then again there is no reason to worry since you canāt change itā¦so why worry. Although admittedly I do not always follow that, case in point, my oldest is in China and I worry, but I cannot change the fact he is in China.
Do you think with sufficient diligence we can make it such that we do not even tough that worry and fear and but refuse it altogether rather than having to work to get rid of it??
Again a Buddhist might tell you can get rid of it but you have to practice. Since it is suffering and if you follow the Eightfold Path and the 4 Noble Truths you can be free of suffering. As for me I do not think you can ever ārefuse itā, it is there. It is how you deal with it that makes the difference. You cannot refuse or suppress an emotion (it is not healthy), you can only learn to live with them IMHO.