Happy Birthday, Star Trek!


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Dec 4, 2004
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From StarTrek.com

On this date in 1966, the first Star Trek episode aired on NBC. Also on this date in 1973, Star Trek: The Animated Adventures premiered.

40 years...it doesn't seem nearly that long.
I can remember that first season, what does that say.

PS Happy Birthday Jim and spoock
We should all do our best Bill Shatner impersonations today to celebrate!

I remember the Star Trek of the mid 70's. It is amazing what kids find enjoyable. Looking back now it is amazing what they got away with special effects wise.

The good old days of story over effects.
And just look at all the devices we use in everyday life and our world.

Flip cell phones, wireless ear peices, full body medical scans, etc.
From StarTrek.com

On this date in 1966, the first Star Trek episode aired on NBC. Also on this date in 1973, Star Trek: The Animated Adventures premiered.

40 years...it doesn't seem nearly that long.

I suddenly feel VERY OLD as I remember when it first appeared.
Happy birthday!

But its a bit sad to see that the franchise is somewhat moribund. The last two series have certainly not "boldly gone where no man has gone before." Instead they have been very formulaic, the franchise needs an injection of life if it is going to survive.

Cool. In honor of the 40th Birthday, I will try to be emotionless and logical today!

TOS- The Trouble With Tribbles
TNG- The Measure Of A Man/Relics
DS9- Pilot
TOS: City on the Edge of Forever
TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise
DS9: Not a fan
VOY: Not a fan
ENT: You're kidding right?

Original cast: Wrath of Khan
TNG cast: First Contact
Na-no Na-no......oh wait, wrong thread.

Didn't Mork from Ork have the same hand jester as Spock?
yes, but his was fingers forward as a handshake, I believe.
There is a Big Auction coming up of Star Trek memoribilia.

They are predicting that Picard's flute will sell for between $600.00 & $1,000.00. I would pay three times that amount. I believe the episode is called 'Inner Light'. Regardless of the episode name, I believe it is the best hour of television ever made. My one wish, is that it was a two hour episode. Too much story, in not enough time.

The best Star Trek movie, without a doubt, was Insurrection. Everybody chooses the Wrath of Kahn, but... they are wrong.

I have a set of the pfaltzengraff dishes from Star Trek 6 - The search for Shakespear.

I was just over two years old when the series premiered. I remember it from afterschool television in the late 70's.

What was the first episode shown? Mudd's Women? or was it the Salt Monster?
Don't really have a favorite episode as much as a favorite line:

From Star Trek IV: The Voyage home where Spock and Kirk are walking through L.A and the cabby calls him a dumb ***.

Kirks reply: "Yeah, well double-dumb *** on you!"

Love that line! :lfao: