groundfighting in MT??



i recently read that MT has a number of grapplling and groundfighting techniques. can some of the MT or fighters describe some of the moves or link me to any sites with that content?
No, straight Muay Thai doesn't have grappling, but we learn it at our Muay Thai academy anyway. Alot of Muay Thai clubs offer other arts, but if you go in the ring in a Muay Thai match there is no ground fighting. It's all stand up, if you go down you are seperated.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
what do u mean by straight muay thai??

the battlefield art has groundfihgting and grapples. do u know any website with the battlefield art information??
I mean Muay Thai as a glove art. Please let me know what you mean by battlefield art. I practice the Muay Thai you use in the ring, the kind Thai's in Thai land practice.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
well i practice ring muay thai too. but what i mean by battlefield is the killing art, without gloves or rules. the one where theres a defense for ground or standup fighting
modern muay thai is a true martial art, in that it has its roots in an older system used in warfare. it can loosely be compared to japanese jujistu, in that both are unarmed fighting styles to supplement an armed system. i do not know much of the olfer style of muay thai (commonly referred to as muay boran), as much of the history of muay thai has been lost due to the near constant warring Siam had with her neighbors, but i have read that muay thai does/did have grappling (unfortunately, i don't have that article anymore).
LittileTiger, i never new that(Muay Boran).... thanks for the reply, i look more into that
I was under the impretion that groundfighting wasn't realy illegal untill about 100 years ago..
Originally posted by MTisGreat

i recently read that MT has a number of grapplling and groundfighting techniques. can some of the MT or fighters describe some of the moves or link me to any sites with that content?
The military version, yes. A lot of the ground fighting techniques come after clinching and choking and bringing the guy on the ground.
the military version u mean by Krabbi Krabong?
Maybe. It's emphasis isn't really ground fighting, but it does have techniques that you can very well use, from take-downs to chokes.