Got Wood?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
One of the shots from my weekend.


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That looks painful :D

Nice shot Bob. I *love* black and white photography and sometimes wonder if its becoming a lost art. :asian:
That looks painful :D

Nice shot Bob. I *love* black and white photography and sometimes wonder if its becoming a lost art. :asian:

I shoot B&W film, process it myself in my kitchen, scan it, and put it online. I also use 100+ year old cameras and lenses - I have a collection of ancient cameras of all sorts.

But I also shoot a lot of digital. I like it a lot too.
I shoot B&W film, process it myself in my kitchen, scan it, and put it online. I also use 100+ year old cameras and lenses - I have a collection of ancient cameras of all sorts.

But I also shoot a lot of digital. I like it a lot too.

VERY very cool :asian: :)
VERY very cool :asian: :)

Thank you. It's actually pretty easy. A light-tight bag to change the film in, a tank to process it (with a reel to load it) and some chemicals. Anyone can do it in their sink, no need for a darkroom or expensive equipment. I did invest in a (couple of) scanner(s), but they have long since paid me back in terms of not having others have to do the work for me.

Taken with Kodak Brownie, circa 1950 or so:

Gorgeous!! :asian:
I've an alternate shot with more detail, but it's almost a distraction IMO.