Good time travel movies


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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I like good movies about time travel. Of course there's Back To The Future but there's also The Time Machine and not to mention Somewhere In Time, which deals with time travel by hypnosis.
The Time Machine, very good movie. One of my favourites though is Time Cop, yeah a bit cheesy even for JCVD, but I loved it nonetheless, especially the scene with JCVD fighting in the kitchen, future version.
Check out "Safety Not Guaranteed" Pretty good flick.
If you want to read a really fun, interesting book, check out "Replay" by Ken Grimwood. Not exactly a time travel tale, but close to it. It's about a guy who drops dead in his office when he's in his forties.....and wakes up in his college dorm when he's 19......and he remembers stuff that's going to happen.
You can just click on this: 曾经关于时空的豆列

It's a Chinese site. But at least the name of the movie is also in English. The rating can be helpful before you decide to watch that movie.

For example, the

- "Interstellar" has 9.1 rating.
- "About Time" has 8.5 rating.
- "Przypadek" has 8.6 rating.
- "Mr. Nobody" has 8.3 rating.
- "Lola rennt" has 8.1 rating.
- "The Thirteenth Floor" has 8.2 rating.
- "Being John Malkovich" has 8.2 rating.
- "Die Kreuzung" has 8.1 rating.
- ...

"The Man from Earth" has 8.5 rating is my favor.

Believe it or not, I have seen almost all the time travel moves in that list.
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Frequently asked questions about time travel was pretty good.
I second The Man from Earth and Safety Not Guaranteed.
Well, one of my favorites is Hot Tub Time Machine which came out in 2010. I wish I could do that in real life.
Time after Time. I was just thinking about this movie today, and saw this question. The are no fight sequences, but you can get you sap on. :)