Good DVD format for Hapkido?


White Belt

There are some DVD screenshots at this page:

How do you feel about the use of body diagrams depicted in there? Do you think this is something good to have in an instructional DVD? Or do you think it is better to show pressure points and such on a real person's body instead?

I realize that Vanhanboy's account is closed, so this is for the benefit of any who might read the post and be curious about such an instructional DVD.

I'd say that it makes a good addition to an MA library or a good gazeteer for someone insterested in seeing what Hapkido is all about before signing up for lessons.

There are some things that I feel can be reasonably and effectively taught on a video to a beginner, but pressure points and throws are, in my opinion, not among of them.

Advanced practitioners of other arts with some techniques that cross over will likely get a lot more out of this than a beginner would, but it is likely to be more of an appreciation of hapkido rather than anything that will expand what they can practically do.

I feel obliged to say that video instruction can be a useful tool, but it has its limitations. Unfortunately, the people who would get the most out of such a video are fairly advanced hapkidoin who are looking for little nuggets and ideas, and these are the people for whom it probably holds the least appeal.


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