Goju \ Shorin-Ryu \ Jujutsu\ Iai-jutsu Sites


Moved to where? and where should i put things like this in the future?

Michael C. Byrd
I moved it to the Japanese Martial Arts--General forum. You might try this forum, or Karate, or The Library in the future.

-MT Admin-

I posted something similar several months back in the jujutsu or karate forum and one of the admins moved / deleted them and said to next time to post that stuff in annoucements.

Michael C. Byrd
I think they must have meant a different announcements section--e.g. these, or perhaps we've moved the previous forum (there have been changes). In any event, no worries! Please don't be reluctant to post such announcements--if we move them it's for better organization.

-MT Admin-
Hello Byrd sensei! I am a student of Ben Haryo sensei, who represents Mr. Hobbs in Indonesia :)

Any hope that one day Mr. Hobbs will include Ryoishinto-ryu clips as well?