Getting slammed....yikes

This is why some techniques are banned, it can go wrong very quickly.

Also, some techniques aren't used in specific competitions because they want to highlight a more skilled approach. If someone pulls guard, and I just pick them up and then slam them down on the ground, I haven't used any skill to escape the guard.
I agree with your above assessment.

I also think part of the problem is that many instructors and students don't set the parameters of what they are teaching. Students of grappling see that positon, and automatically think he is addressing the "guard" and that the person knows what they are doing if they are in that position. Grappling students forget that long before the BJJ craze, it was and still is a common position to end up in during a streetfight by two untrained people. Many instructors don't preface what they are teaching as, "this will work against an untrained person who doesn't know grappling". Same with many "tackle" techniques. Grapplers/Wrestlers see a tackle and automatically think that they are supposed to be doing a skilled double/single leg takedown. In many cases, it's not. It's an untrained guy trying to tackle you and doesn't know anything about the proper technique. Same thing, instructors don't label specifically what they are doing as they teach basic defenses against an untrained guy and what options and what defenses against someone that has more training.
Well said.
With jumping guard, its risky but its a calculated risk. You have locked yourself to your opponent's body and have to be prepared to react quickly if they give any indication they are going to slam. Some people jump guard. I don't, but I am a big guy and you don't see that as much with larger grapplers so not surprising.
With closed guard in general, you don't let your opponent stand up. Very recently I competed, and I ended up with my opponent in my closed guard at some point in several matches. With the exception of one really new grappler that I quickly swept, every single person eventually tried to stand up to break the guard, and I did not let them, and it clearly frustrated them. If they stand on one leg and are off center at all, sweep them. If they step up with one leg and begin to stand, you hook the closest leg before they can finish standing. If they somehow manage to stand up on both legs, there are still sweep options (albeit lower percentage) rather than bring your back off the mat and choosing to lock yourself to them up high.
- A uses jump guard on B.
- B drops elbow (or forearm) on A's throat. This is easy to do when B has cross lapel hold on A.

Is that bad for A?

How can A prevents that from happening since B's both arms are free?


In the following picture. If person on the right can hold up his opponent, he can drop down forward himself and smash his forearm right on his opponent's throat.

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It's worth noting that in the older Japanese systems jumping guard is accompanied by strikes to knock your opponent backwards which frustrates the option to slam

I do, however, agree that guard players need to study how to prevent getting picked up and the timing for opening guard if your opponent does stand. Both these are foundational skills in BJJ for example

This is why some techniques are banned, it can go wrong very quickly.

Also, some techniques aren't used in specific competitions because they want to highlight a more skilled approach. If someone pulls guard, and I just pick them up and then slam them down on the ground, I haven't used any skill to escape the guard.
I agree. While I like how effective the technique is, it seems too dangerous for competition.
It’s very very hard to find wrestling as an adult
I would look at mma gyms

BJJ usually sucks at take downs
What does that have to do with "to find the right key to open the right lock"? A good counter is still a good counter.

You train body slam on the mat everyday. It doesn't mean that you have to hurt people with that.

To have the ability to finish a fight is not the same as you have to use it all the time.


That move is so beyond me
You can use the same body lock from side or rear and do basic trips .
That suplex is for real grecko warriors and not the avg man
It’s like the spinning heel kick
No way
Knee picks and ankle picks can work too

suplex , High crouch and shooting in require insane speed and strength
I cannot pick up more than 90 Ibs lol
That has to be a judo class ??
Judo is very popular in France and all over the world except in the USA

I think BJJ has become too consuming too most that they never learn a strike
I only do BJJ 2-3 hrs a week and after 18 months I have far more questions than I did when I started lol

I have done a Darci many hundreds of times at home but during rolling I messed it up lol
A few good take downs that are basic

1) side body lock to front leg trip
2) rear body lock to forward trip
3) rear body lock to behind drag
4) under hook or head control to knee pick
5) stand up double leg !!!
6) run the pipe single
7) head and wrist control to ankle pick

8) super cool low single !!!!
That has to be a judo class ??
Judo is very popular in France and all over the world except in the USA

I think BJJ has become too consuming too most that they never learn a strike

Be a Chinese wrestling. Hip throws are not the sole property of judo.
I cannot pick up more than 90 Ibs lol

Seriously? How much do you weigh?

My mower weighs quite a bit more than that, and in the cutting season I'm lifting that in and out of the trailer 5-6 times a day.

The most I've knowingly carried (weighed for shipping) was 3 small engines and some parts in a crate - 75kg (165lb) - had to lift that and carry it 50yds from the shed to the courier van. I know I've shifted more, but hadn't weighed it...

Just picking that much up and dropping it, no challenge at all.

I'm not particularly strong.
Seriously? How much do you weigh?

My mower weighs quite a bit more than that, and in the cutting season I'm lifting that in and out of the trailer 5-6 times a day.

The most I've knowingly carried (weighed for shipping) was 3 small engines and some parts in a crate - 75kg (165lb) - had to lift that and carry it 50yds from the shed to the courier van. I know I've shifted more, but hadn't weighed it...

Just picking that much up and dropping it, no challenge at all.

I'm not particularly strong.

I know several body lock trips !!
I am 6-1 and 155 only and I cannot pick anyone up