Getting rid of bruises


Yellow Belt
Anybody got some tips on how to help speed up the length of time it takes for bruises to clear.

Had never sparred until recently and I find I constantly have bruises on my body. It doesnt generally bother me but this is the second time in a few weeks that I have got a black eye.

I got a cream called Arnicare which is supposed to help with bruising. My latest black eye is now two days old and I have been told to start putting something warm on it as this increases blood flow.

Any tips?
I know Dit Dat Dow help get rid of them quicker if you use it everyday.
Anybody got some tips on how to help speed up the length of time it takes for bruises to clear.

Had never sparred until recently and I find I constantly have bruises on my body. It doesnt generally bother me but this is the second time in a few weeks that I have got a black eye.

I got a cream called Arnicare which is supposed to help with bruising. My latest black eye is now two days old and I have been told to start putting something warm on it as this increases blood flow.

Any tips?

Proteolytic enzymes...bromolein and papain. Taken 1/2 hr before meals.
Bruised are like scars, they are a badge of honor. Wear them proudly.

Bruised are like scars, they are a badge of honor. Wear them proudly.

Lol! A couple of years ago I collapsed and was taken to hospital, a nurse had to help me into a hospital robe and into bed. she was horrified at the bruises on my body, 'fingerprints' on my arms, bruises on my chest, legs etc. I was groggy so didn't take a lot of notice. When I was a little better I had a very nice doctor urging me to tell her all about it, and how I could get help, she'd get me a place in a refuge for battered women and there'd be support if I wanted to press charges. When I started laughing bless her she thought I was in denial! She took a bit of convincing though.
I've seen another side of that though, I had a real dark bruise on my cheek once (a knee to the face while grappling) and the amount of people who pretended it wasn't there or wouldn't look was amazing.
Lol! A couple of years ago I collapsed and was taken to hospital, a nurse had to help me into a hospital robe and into bed. she was horrified at the bruises on my body, 'fingerprints' on my arms, bruises on my chest, legs etc. I was groggy so didn't take a lot of notice. When I was a little better I had a very nice doctor urging me to tell her all about it, and how I could get help, she'd get me a place in a refuge for battered women and there'd be support if I wanted to press charges. When I started laughing bless her she thought I was in denial! She took a bit of convincing though.
I've seen another side of that though, I had a real dark bruise on my cheek once (a knee to the face while grappling) and the amount of people who pretended it wasn't there or wouldn't look was amazing.

LOL! That's a great story Tez. :) :asian:

I echo the use of Jow. Find a good jow, apply it before and after training, and then if you get any bruises, apply it directly to the bruises.
Bruised are like scars, they are a badge of honor. Wear them proudly.

For men, yes. Females get a different reaction (see Tez's post above). I personally don't mind the bruises on my arms and legs showing but for some reason people tend to assume a black eye on a woman means her old man's beatin' her back home at the double wide (while wearing a sleeveless shirt and holding a beer can in the other hand :D).

Does anybody know if the old remedy about holding a steak on the eye helps at all?
For men, yes. Females get a different reaction (see Tez's post above). I personally don't mind the bruises on my arms and legs showing but for some reason people tend to assume a black eye on a woman means her old man's beatin' her back home at the double wide (while wearing a sleeveless shirt and holding a beer can in the other hand :D).

I was going to joke that my wife could be beating me up but seriously, some men are battered too.

Does anybody know if the old remedy about holding a steak on the eye helps at all?

Only if it's a frozen steak ;)
For men, yes. Females get a different reaction (see Tez's post above). I personally don't mind the bruises on my arms and legs showing but for some reason people tend to assume a black eye on a woman means her old man's beatin' her back home at the double wide (while wearing a sleeveless shirt and holding a beer can in the other hand :D).

Does anybody know if the old remedy about holding a steak on the eye helps at all?

not my sister. She's one of those girls that just radiates "don't mess with me". If she gets bruised from training then she runs to the bathroom to see how cool it will be. Plus, the bruise she gave your or is going to give you will be a lot worse then hers.
Any bruises I have ever had that anyone has ever taken notice of, and there have been a few, I have always said the same thing.

"You should see the other guy"

And I give not further explanation.

If they are an MAist, they know all about it...and WHY would you want to get rid of the bruises sooner...the whole concept is foreign to me :EG:

And as the Traditionalist said

Bruised are like scars, they are a badge of honor. Wear them proudly.
Stop blocking with your eye. :)

My boxing coach used to swear by used tea bags. It seemed to work but, I was in my late teens/early twenties so everything seemed to heal fast then(unlike my mid thirties where a pulled muscle seems to take a week, age sucks).No promises, but its worth a try.

Good luck.

Stop blocking with your eye. :)

My boxing coach used to swear by used tea bags. It seemed to work but, I was in my late teens/early twenties so everything seemed to heal fast then(unlike my mid thirties where a pulled muscle seems to take a week, age sucks).No promises, but its worth a try.

Good luck.


If you put used teabags that have been in the fridge on your eyes its very soothing and can take down puffiness so I imagine they could be good for bruises too.
Witch Hazel is very good too.
Ester-C, 500-1000 mg with a meal, 2-3 times a day. Vitamin C helps rebuild the broken blood vessels. Ester-C has a calcium base instead of an acid base which makes it easier for a lot of people to digest.
You see I just don't get this "Getting rid of bruises" stuff

I currently have a HUGE bruise on the outside of my upper right arm (just below the shoulder) and I'm not happy because I have to wear long sleeves this time of year :D
Rub it out is the first thing I always do. Its hard for bruises on the face but it works for most of the body. If you think you got a nice hit that is going to bruise, get a friend after class get some lineament on it, have them start about and inch above the area and using both thumbs they need to squeeze as hard as then can and then pull down the bruise in the direction of the blood flow. (on the front side of your body, blood is flowing outwards towards the limbs, on the backside it flows towards the heart). Repeat 2 or 3 times and you should notice a big difference. Both the pressure of the rubbing and the lineament should help break up the blood clost and the bruse should go away faster. If you have some sort of lineament apply that as well before class for sure and don't be afraid to use in on any bruises you have. I use some i have only seen in my system called meridian, but dit da jow (sp) works well to. Be weary though, it is a painful process but from my experience it helps a lot so just grit your teeth and take it and you should be a lot better off.

As far as the eye, i wouldn't really know but i would guess something warm would help helping dialate the blood vesseles to allow for better blood flow helping the area heal better. (Alcohol does that as well but I don't think i would suggest it)

Hope that helps
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Rub it out is the first thing I always do.

Me too, wake up in the morning and... Oh, bruises, right. Actually, I get some nasty ones... and I started using some Dit Da Jow (the recipie from Jade Tigress's school actually) and it works wonders on fading them quickly.
I start with ice for the first day, and then switch to Dit Dat Jow the next day, after the swelling has subsided. This method has worked wonderfully well for many years, and as long as I can still get this same formula of Jow, I'll continue to use it.

Fight Club comes to mind :)

Ahem... The first rule of Fight Club...
Well... If you want a cheap way, I use a stuff called Woodlock Lotion.
It's a chinese medicine for pretty much everything on the outside. DON'T DRINK IT. It works well on cuts, bruises, and painful "it feels like a shattered bone" sensations.The woodlock I have only takes 5 drops at most to cover both hands. It's a small bottle, bought it for $5 I think, but I'm not even half way through it... I've had it for about 5 months now.

Other than that, go for a Dit Da Jow. Chinese medicine for a LONG time. Back in the good ol' days, every system of kung fu had their own formula of dit da jow, and the students would have to learn it before training. Some sytems, like mine, still have their own formula, but we aren't taught it.