May 2002 Forum Stats

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
May 2002 Stats
Hampered by server issues, we still did steller!
May log files = 372 MB

May 2002 Forum Stats
In the month of May , We've had 34,726 visitors (down from 37,229), displayed 266,980 pages (up from 246,296 ), and moved 9.76 Gigabytes of data (up from 8.94 GB).

The more detailed breakdown follows.
Time Period
May 01, 2002, 12:00:17 AM to May 31, 2002, 11:58:57 PM

Total Data Transferred 9.76 gigabytes

Hits on Pages 266,980

Total Visiting Users 34,726

Average Users per Day 1,120.19

Banner Ads:
Covers the rotating ads in top right corner.
Banner Ad Stats From 5/1 to 6/1 : Aproximately 42,000 displays each. (average for this time period is about 1,352 displays per ad per day) We had about 5 advertizers in the rotation during May, not all of whom ran for a full month. We currently have 5 advertizers in the rotation at the moment, and still have a 5 slots open.

Weeding info not available. Currently 11 accts non-Validated.
Registered Members: 635 (41 new members since last report)

New Users by month
Date #
May 2002 68
April 2002 105
March 2002 182
February 2002 51
January 2002 61
December 2001 28
November 2001 46
October 2001 40
September 2001 14
August 2001 38


New Posts by month
May 2002 5168
April 2002 4659
March 2002 5927
February 2002 2621
January 2002 2856
December 2001 858
November 2001 1498
October 2001 1320
September 2001 493
August 2001 110

New Threads by Month
May 2002 319
April 2002 277
March 2002 425
February 2002 220
January 2002 287
December 2001 94
November 2001 143
October 2001 131
September 2001 80
August 2001 73

They were all Dennis Conatsers, that's why! Big Cheater!:soapbox:
Originally posted by RCastillo

They were all Dennis Conatsers, that's why! Big Cheater!:soapbox:
Are you implying that Dennis has no life or that he has way too much time on his hands.
Originally posted by Bonehead

Are you implying that Dennis has no life or that he has way too much time on his hands.

He's just a Big Cheat!:rofl:
Thanks for the stats.
How does it look divided on the the diffrent forums. I'm guessing that the kenpo/kempo area will have the most, 'cause I got the feeling that most of the people on this forum are from kempo/kenpo.

Can you make a stats based on the styles people are praticing or?

Not at this time, however there is a stats mod for the forum software that might have that feature. Would be interesting to see how the traffic flow if. I'll check it out when I have a moment. :)
Yari maybe it's because so many people like to visit the Kenpo Forum even though they practice other styles, because we are just so charming, intelligent, and funny, not to mention prolific posters! Like DCGoldendragon for example! They just cant resist *that* level of charm! :rofl:
Originally posted by tunetigress

Yari maybe it's because so many people like to visit the Kenpo Forum even though they practice other styles, because we are just so charming, intelligent, and funny, not to mention prolific posters! Like DCGoldendragon for example! They just cant resist *that* level of charm! :rofl:

:D :D :D

You use a lot of words I never heard before...."charming, intelligent, and funny" and together with Kenpo....

I don't understand .... :D

No, just kidding. THe site has a good tone!
