Funniest or Dumbest Thing you've done in MA



OK lets go from the bad to the good and down right funny here..
Let's here your tales of hilarious mis-cues, fumbles and follies.. and i'll start it off...

It was like 2 years ago .. when i had just started taking Aikido.. about one month into it.. we were training for forward breakfalls.. from the standing position.. I was doing quite well i must say.. until that is.. one time.. as i lunged forward hurling myself for my fall.. my teacher.. commanded the class to stop.. So that's what i did.. in mid air...... and did a wonderful superman dive into the carpet... I never heard him laugh so hard ever since that moment.. and then he gave me the good advice to always finish your falls and then stop.. sigh.. I too was laughing.. well after my face stoped burning from the rug..... :D :rofl: :shrug:

I thought I was good enough to go a few sparring rounds with a former amateur world welterweight champ. I was doing well too until he finally caught me and gave me a concussion.

Mental note to self: Zig when you think you should zag.
hmm.. one of the first times I was sparring.. me and my freind were going at it.. he fights alot diffrent than I do, I'm kinda sloppy yet to the point, he has good form but does things that are a little less effective and a little more flashy.. well I was dominating the fight, I have a few inches on him in reach and hight and I'm good with my feet so he couldn't get inside.. anyway he throws what looks like a front snap kick so I launch a kick on the same angle to jam it.. it turns out it wasn't a front snap but a chambered hook (round kick in other arts?) so basicly he moves his foot out of the way and my foot missing the target carries on right up to his groin.. because of the angle of aproach it sorta shifted his cup so it didn't protect him...

second one would be doing focus mit drills.. well the mit holder was supposed to be controling the drill in this one, deppending on the angle and location of the pad you hit it in diffrent ways, low were kicks and high were punches.. well my partner holds it facing on a diagonal down to his left at waste level so I'm thinking it's a kick because I would realy have to crouch down to get a hit.. well he didn't like to wear a cup because it was to restrictive and size twelve shoes don't hit all the way on the mit so my toe clipped him.. he's lucky I was only going 1/10 power.

those two incidents have given me a bad reputation..
I wouldn't doubt that there's something I've done in the rather short time I've been training, but nothing leaps to mind. However, our teacher seems to be amused by watching us mess things up sometimes. I mean, he knows we're all beginners and need to work on like everything more than we have, so it's not like he's laughing at us all the time. However, I guess there are some times when we just look so bad when we've messed something up that he can't help but laugh. :) Sometimes I do wonder what he finds so amusing, but oh well, it's not all that big of a deal.
My first was when I was going for green belt in TSD. I had to spar 3 people. I was doing good ..... till I got to the third person. She faked a roundhouse kick and did a front kick. I went to block the roundhouse and I threw a high roundhouse ..... well, her front kick landed ..... uummmm ...... if I was a guy, I would have been on the floor :rolleyes:

The second was when I competed for forms in my first tourny. I did my form at warp speed. Someone told me that forms look good if you do them fast (bad advice). Well, I was doing good with this warp speed, till I got to the very last move ..... total brain fart !!!!!! I asked to do it again, which I did, but I mixed it up with another form ..... GGGGRRRRRRRR!

The third was in the same tourny. I was competing in breaking. I wanted to do fancy kicks, but I settled just for the basic axe kick, roundhouse, and side kick. At the last minute, I decided to make the roundhouse a jump roundhouse. I was so worried about the jump roundhouse (I did it ..... thank goodness) that I missed on a simple side kick! I got it on the second shot, but tore up my ankle on the board ..... ouch!
With over 20 yrs training I have made a lot of dumb mistakes and have had a few funny moments. The funniest for those around me (most embar-assing for me) was doing squats & kicks. I went down and everybody heard the rip of my pants. Being a hot July night I was wearing nothing more than my athletic supporter under my pants. What makes it worse was we were doing this drill down the floor with everyone lined up across the room and me in front of everybody. When i went down and ripped my pants everybody got a good look at my bare bottom, and since there were only a few guys in the class that night and many ladies it was quite embarassing.

On a positive note I did get asked out a couple dates after that fateful night.
Hmmm, we (the dojo) laugh about this now, but at the time it was kinda scary.

We were training with a hanbo (3ft staff) and were doing forward rolls while holding onto the hanbo. I did a roll and right at mid roll the hanbo left my hand. I didn't feel it leave, I just noticed that it wasn't in my hand anymore. I thought I had let go of it and left it on the mat right there. What really happened was that some how I had launched the hanbo into the air and across the dojo about twelve feet and it hit another student in the head as it came down. Luckily it was a glancing blow. Whew!
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

With over 20 yrs training I have made a lot of dumb mistakes and have had a few funny moments. The funniest for those around me (most embar-assing for me) was doing squats & kicks. I went down and everybody heard the rip of my pants. Being a hot July night I was wearing nothing more than my athletic supporter under my pants. What makes it worse was we were doing this drill down the floor with everyone lined up across the room and me in front of everybody. When i went down and ripped my pants everybody got a good look at my bare bottom, and since there were only a few guys in the class that night and many ladies it was quite embarassing.

On a positive note I did get asked out a couple dates after that fateful night.

Aren't you married or is this how you met your wife?

Originally posted by Klondike93

Aren't you married or is this how you met your wife?


This was 3 years before I met my wife.
I can frankly say that i have been a dummy in the martial arts many times. At the beginning of my martial arts training which was about 25 or more years ago (lost count). I had a very bad drinking problem among other things going for me. This one night i was bar hopping in the neighborhood and began to get careless with my showing of money in large bills buying drinks. My home was about a mile and a half from the strip and i walked home from the bars when closing time came. This night i was carrying a rather large 10 inch long lock bladed knife in my right sock. Needless to say, i was walking home down the dark street and suddenly i feel a large hand cross over my eyes. I could not see and tried to stay calm. The guy put an arm choke hold on me with his other hand as i bit the bottom of the hand across my eyes. By then i was bending my knees and the attacker was pushing down on my shoulders. I played along with his push to get to my knife in my right sock. I reached for my knife and it was not there. I thought it had dropped on the pavement. Meanwhile the attacker was in my back pocket taking my wallet. As he pulled the wallet out, i began to turn into him so that i could finally defend myself properly. As i turned in to my right i felt a scraping of the large blade on my right shin bone. Well i had found my knife; rather the attacker's accomplice found the knife and let me know to not try anything else. Well they released me drunk and i heard the hard shoes pounding the pavement getting away. Well, my life could have been taken that night with my own big knife. I lost my id, and other cards etc,. I learned then if i would ever take a weapon again that it would be able to do the job, not be noticed by a possible assailant and be small enough for me to carry for easy access in my front pocket. Let's just say that in this case experience was by far the best teacher and God looks after babies and fools!
Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
This probably isn't the funniest but it's the first that comes to mind.

I was just telling Egg yesterday about my first attempt at weapon training. (and wishing right now I hadn't deleted the PM so I didn't have to retype all this)

I was a complete country bumpkin when I started training. I hadn't had exposure to martial arts or even to many people. I lived on 18 acres of woods.

I wanted to start weapons training but I had no money for a bo. So I went into the woods armed with only a saw and a pocket knife.

I sawed down a small locust tree and stripped the bark with my knife. I tried to whittle at it to make it straight but you can guess about how well this went.

I sanded it for a long time with hand-held sandpaper. Then, with no varnish or anything, I wrapped a couple of strips of black electrical tape around each end and went to class with my new bo.

This thing had to be at least 5 inches in diameter and as heavy as,well, a 6' locust tree. When my sensei saw me step into the dojo he collapsed in fits of uprorious laughter.

All he could manage to wheeze out between his laughing seizure was, "Oh, is it Arbor Day?"
heheh...Arbor Day :)

My funniest moment...well, I have two. The first is a common one: we were stretching and conditioning in TKD one Saturday morning and were on our backs doing low leg lifts and Master was walking about checking out our agony. When he came to me, he lightly stepped on my stomach and, sure enough, thbbbbbpt! Everyone experiences flatulance in class; but, the timing my colon chose was outstanding! I laughed and laughed; then, he made me do push-ups until I convinced him I was done farting.

Second was just recent: my wife had began taking classes with me and we were sparring. I attempted to use an axe kick to spread out her hands; but, she ducked a bit and moved in and I ended up with my foot on her shoulder. She stood up immediately and over, through 2 rolls, I went. I thought she was gonna wet herself :)
A brawl, back in the 90's, when I was feeling young and invincible. I tried to walk away, and even tried to talk the other guy out of fighting, even apologizing for something that I didn't do at all, but to no avail. De-escalation didn't work, since this "gentleman" wanted to impress his girlfriend.

It wasn't the fight itself, but rather my choice of technique.

I threw a punch at one particular character's forehead, thinking that the well-conditioned hand that could break through multiple cement slabs would be just fine.

Well, I did put the other guy on his back (yes, I won the fight), but at the same time, found out that knuckles against a hard target, especially the thick skull of my adversary, is a bad idea. The knuckles were badly jammed, and I couldn't even grip a pencil for a month. I ended up having to learn how to write with my left hand for a while, using the undamaged digits of my right hand to partially guide the left, so that my writing could be at least somewhat legible.

The knuckles still ache to this day, when it gets cold and rainy, which is why I'm grateful to be living in the deep South.

This is why I emphasize to all of my students, that if you strike a target with your hands, that the adage of "hard on soft" and "soft on hard" is one that should be obeyed. In retrospect, I should have used either shotei (palm heel) or something less dangerous to my own self. I also remember my old sensei telling me that old adage long before the incident.

For all of you invincible-feeling young adults, listen to your senseis. Many of us have been down that path, and have made mistakes along the way. Hopefully, you'll follow the advice, so that you won't end up with the aches and pains that we foolishly got!
Years ago, I was training at a TKD that had very slippery wood dance-type floors. When we trained & it got sweat-soaked, it was like the Ice Capades. When we sparred, we often filled the room w/ 10 (or more) pairs of fighters. We were constantly bumping into each other.

One night, I was sparring w/ a white belt. It was his 1st time & I was very conscious of his unflexible legs hitting my groin. While he was directly in front of me from the left side a side kick, missing its intentended target, splitts my chin & knocked my on my butt. One of the 2 fighters next to me had missed his partner & hit me! The room stops as I pick myself up. (I had that Chris Tucker, "Which one of y'all kicked me?" look on my face.) My partner tells me that I was bleeding. Sure enough, I went to the Emergency Room & needed 3 stitches in my chin. Neither of the 2 fighters ever owned up to hitting me. It became a joke that my partner was the fastest white belt in the world.
iceman, thats funny.

I had one in mind when I was reading this thread but I lost it. Damn it.
Was wearing my new training shoes and decided to double kick the heavy bag, my foot stuck and landed flat on my butt! I was about to look around to see if anyone saw it when I hear my instructor laughing in the corner of the room. :)
Mine came with a valuable lesson...never wash your Gi's with your wifes clothes.
In class, doing line drills, I throw a front kick and a pair of my wifes panties fly out of the leg of my Gi pants. Not good, not good at all.
BigCat63 said:
Mine came with a valuable lesson...never wash your Gi's with your wifes clothes.
In class, doing line drills, I throw a front kick and a pair of my wifes panties fly out of the leg of my Gi pants. Not good, not good at all.

oh, man... :rofl:
Who else has blackened their own eyes (cuz their belt was too long) while doing a front stretch or axe kick?:uhyeah: