A long time ago I created a handful of exercises to help improve my Martial Arts practice. To develop several attributes that I'm completely lacking. There's just one catch. That being they require the use of another body to work with. I've shared some of them with my school, and got good responses about them. It felt really good to do them, and I was looking forward to doing them more.
But that never happened. Our school has a set curriculum, and what I created never gets used. I understand that, as our school doesn't revolve around what I want. I've tried to pair up with someone outside of class, but they're all to busy. I've considered leading my own class on a different day, but I'm highly doubtful anyone will show up, for the reason already mentioned. I've talked to people at work about Martial Arts, but haven't found anyone interested in doing it. I've looked at other schools, but since I'm always broke that's pretty much out of the question. (My current school is free, accepting donations when/if we can give it)
This is something that I've really been wanting to do, but I can't seem to find a partner anywhere. It's been so discouraging that I haven't been practicing at all for awhile now. I've been at a loss of what to do. I don't really expect anyone to have any answers. There doesn't seem to be one that I can see. I just wrote this eye sore to vent.
But that never happened. Our school has a set curriculum, and what I created never gets used. I understand that, as our school doesn't revolve around what I want. I've tried to pair up with someone outside of class, but they're all to busy. I've considered leading my own class on a different day, but I'm highly doubtful anyone will show up, for the reason already mentioned. I've talked to people at work about Martial Arts, but haven't found anyone interested in doing it. I've looked at other schools, but since I'm always broke that's pretty much out of the question. (My current school is free, accepting donations when/if we can give it)
This is something that I've really been wanting to do, but I can't seem to find a partner anywhere. It's been so discouraging that I haven't been practicing at all for awhile now. I've been at a loss of what to do. I don't really expect anyone to have any answers. There doesn't seem to be one that I can see. I just wrote this eye sore to vent.