French, googled





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I love it! HAhahahaha

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Seig
I went to the link. I then linked from there, they refer to the fact that the answer is still 0.

Your point.......:shrug:
Originally posted by Seig
The point was that even though he got 60,000 hits they still referred to the fact that the French have won nothing.

Yeah......I went and got 58,000 sites, so something is not right here. I think its time to call Mulder and Scully.......*X-Files Music*

Originally posted by Master of Blades
Yeah......I went and got 58,000 sites, so something is not right here. I think its time to call Mulder and Scully.......*X-Files Music*


I got "about 58,600" so I rounded. However, the top 4 are kirk's story :-D
ok dont mean to offend any frenchmen or frenchwomen... yes im trying to be politicaly correct... but why do they always turn tale and run at the first sign of trouble... back during 9/11 that jackass of a president over there said he would be shoulder to shoulder with us against any terrorist threat but now when we need his support he turns his damn back and takes the other side
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
ok dont mean to offend any frenchmen or frenchwomen... yes im trying to be politicaly correct... but why do they always turn tale and run at the first sign of trouble... back during 9/11 that jackass of a president over there said he would be shoulder to shoulder with us against any terrorist threat but now when we need his support he turns his damn back and takes the other side

In what way have the French failed to suport the hunt for Bin Laden?
im not talking about bin laden im talking about sadam... im talking about them turning their backs on turkey for allowing us to station troops their... im talking about them not letting us fly over their country for bombing runs or allowing us to stage troops there... but yet they are out allies... doesnt make much sense to me
You know what I've just realised.........Thats only funny if your not French

Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
im not talking about bin laden im talking about sadam... im talking about them turning their backs on turkey for allowing us to station troops their... im talking about them not letting us fly over their country for bombing runs or allowing us to stage troops there... but yet they are out allies... doesnt make much sense to me
Which is exactly the same crap they pulled 12 years ago.
Hey France:bird:
Classified Ad:

French Guns for Sale!

Never fired Once, Only Dropped Twice!
Hey Kirk, that is so damn funny :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now if I were a Frenchy I wouldn't find it humorous, but, hell I'm an American and it's funny :rofl: :lol:

So how long before this thread gets political? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Hey Kirk, that is so damn funny :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now if I were a Frenchy I wouldn't find it humorous, but, hell I'm an American and it's funny :rofl: :lol:

So how long before this thread gets political? :rolleyes:

LOL! Betcha we're gettin' close!