Free Kobe...


Master of Arts
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles suburbs, Cali. USA
I haven't read any coments on the Kobe Bryant story and events around this forum. Is it because it's too much of a volatile subject? :confused:
Anyway, what's the world coming to, Kobe accused of being a rapist! :eek:

What's next, David Robinson gets popped for selling crack...
I would like to think he was innocent but I still think Tyson was innocent. The question always come up? why would sombody that has that much money victomize the unwilling. I swear ha had to swim through the willing groupies just to find an unwilling participant. I'll shut up now. One thing is for sure he is going down.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
why would sombody that has that much money victomize the unwilling. I swear ha had to swim through the willing groupies just to find an unwilling participant.

I'd tend to agree with this, but then again, there are some MESSED up people out there... I mean ask yourself Why would a guy with an attractive, loving wife beat her?
Originally posted by Technopunk
I'd tend to agree with this, but then again, there are some MESSED up people out there... I mean ask yourself Why would a guy with an attractive, loving wife beat her?
Thats easy; it is because, the guy has control issues.
Instead of "Free Kobe", how about "Justice for Kobe"? That should satisfy those on both sides of the issue.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Last time ESPN mentioned it, they said there was a significant chance that the formal trial might not even start until after the end of the NBA season. It really depends on whether the judge wants to give him a break or a hard time.
Touch 'O' Death, the answer to the question of why he would do it with all his money because essentially he can get anyone he wants is the same answer you gave as to why a guy with an attractive, loving wife beat her-CONTROL & POWER. Sex is not the real motivation on rape it's a power issue, that is why willing partners won't do. They can't satisfy that desire. So it doesn't matter whether a guy has great looks and money-it's all about power & control.

As far as innocent or guilty goes just let me say this. I am very open minded because I've seen guys like him get railroaded before by 'fluzy gold diggers and attention getters', but I have also seen guys like that think they can do whatever they want because of who they are and get away with it. So for now, pardon the pun, it's a 'jump ball', lol.

PS: My background which formed my facts and opinions on this matter were taken from over 27 years of law enforcement experience. Respectfully submitted.

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