FMA in the movies


Master Black Belt
Feb 22, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
OK all you FMA fans, how many mainstream movies or TV shows can you name that contains some FMA action or influence that didn't get credit? Here is my "guess". Enter the Dragon (siniwali overshadowed by the nunchacku) Perfect Weapon (could be Kenpo), Some Segal movie where he breaks a pool cue in half and siniwali's some guyshead as well as his emptyhand entrys (looks like hubad to me). Kiss of the Dragon, Rambo (balisong), Big trouble in little China (balisong), Cheech and Chong (balisong). Martial Law (Samo did siniwali with two fish).

No disrespect to any styles or people, I don't know enough about your style to know if your movements are similar to ours, they just look FMA to me.
Some Segal movie where he breaks a pool cue in half and siniwali's some guyshead as well as his emptyhand entrys (looks like hubad to me).

"Some Guy" in the movie was Dan Inosanto.
Originally posted by Kirk

"Some Guy" in the movie was Dan Inosanto.

Good point! I think Dan Inosanto and Jeff Imada have a whole lot to do with getting FMA into the movies since they were stunt coregraphers/stuntmen for so many action movies.